Prayer Partner
I feel like I have made a complete mess of my life and am looking for prayer. I failed to pray and ask God for the right partner and five years later I am dating a man that "appears" to be a narcist. I genuinely feel a deep care for him but he is not affectionate and acts like he could give two cents about me. He speaks hateful to me. He is impatient and a couple of months ago, by accident, I learned that he looks at pictures of women online posing naked and gets notifications on his phone from these types of women. He is selfish and everything revolves around him. He makes no effort to reciprocate care or even help when I need it and if he does help, he just complains. He hides his behavior now and I don't know how to just quit caring about someone. I am in the worst financial mess of my life and am doing everything I know to get this debt down so I can move away as I feel it would be easier to walk away from this situation. My heart hurts and I have become extremely frustrated with myself for allowing myself to get in these situations. I am currently on Short Term Disability due to having to have shoulder surgery and not able to go make extra money. The Lord has provided all of my needs and made ends meet each month and I know I am blessed and am so thankful but I am asking for prayer. My heart is heavy and I feel like the weight of the world sits on my shoulders and I am asking for a supernatural and divine intervention with favor and wisdom for every step and decision I make and to straighten the path. Thank you so much if you feel led to pray for my situation. I believe in prayer and the power of prayer in numbers. I will be praying for others on this forum as well. Thanks again.
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