Prayer Partner
I feel like screaming, crying, giving up, running away. Everything feels so heavy. So bad like I am going to fail and lose everything and I don't know what to do to stop it or I do but I'm a little too scared to or don't know how I'm going to pull it off. Why is this happening to just me? Why do I feel so alone? Why did my fiance have to go to jail and leave me with this habit alone? Why is this so hard? God Please I need You, I am so close to giving up, how do I do this and keep going? I don't know how to keep going. I don't know how to keep this demon off my back. It's not fair. I tried to stay focused, but not hard enough. I tried to think positive but not hard enough. It's like my body and mind is trying to fight it but I need to fight it to get passed this hurdle or else I'm going to stay stuck, stuck where I don't want to be at, and I'm going to lose my fiance my best friend, and lose my daughter the best thing that God has ever given me. Please God I know You can hear me. Please make me strong, make me pass this test, make me see the light, make me swift and confident so I can pass the test easy no matter how I have to pass it so I can work this job and support my babygirl and have a normal life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen! P.s, I'm so sorry everyone for seeming like I'm whining, I'm just really pathetic right now. And I don't know what to do at this point.