Lord I'm sorry. I'm hurt and heart broke and all I do is cry. I cry to much. Lord as sad as it sounds and hurtful as it sounds it is true. I want nothing to do with friendship or love or being with someone anymore. All it has ever caused me is hurt because iv never had that so please lord I beg you take this desire out of me and give it to someone else who can have it. Because I can't. It is not your will and you reviled that to me . I'm sorry lord I really don't want anything to do with love or companionship anymore. People hate me and I know it is not your will for me to have that. So I'm Dunn lord I'm through with it. I want nothing to do with it anymore. I'll stay alone forever since I already have. I'm sorry lord I beg you take this desire away. I'm hurt. In Jesus name amen.