Beloved of All
Last night I went out with a few of my girlfriends to celebrate a birthday and I had way too much to drink. So after I got home I began to text and call everyone in my phone. I was crying and sobbing on voicemails, some people I text very rude, harsh and hateful things all because I had been drinking. I texted and called people at odd hours of the night and my boss after midnight! I can't believe what I did. I am a mother and I am old enough to know better. Now I am trying to correct this mistake and no one will accept my apology or respond to my text, email, or call. I need prayer that God will never allow me to ever drink again! I need deliverance. I WILL NEVER DRINK AGAIN. Please God remove all toxins from my body. I have hurt many. I am sorry to those that I hurt last night with my words. I am asking for prayer to heal me, save me while I continue to repent of this ungodly sin. To the people including my coworkers that I drunk dialed last night please please please forgive me. I humbly and sincerely hope that they will accept my apology. Please pray for me that I get the right help that is needed.