Humble Servant
I awoke to a new inner conversation or impression deep down. That there is a power inside me. To believe in this power. I am getting a new perspective. I'm not supposed to back down from life but to fight the good fight of faith. The enemy has already been defeated. No sickness or bad break can stop me. I am not at a disadvantage. I have a resurection power. I am strong and I am well able. I can shift my perspective by not looking at the problems of the world but instead I am able to imagine how I want to see it through eyes of faith. There are more for us than there are against us. Insecurity is not perfect. Security is perfect. God sees us as powerful. Don't be afraid of the enemy he's scared of you! There's a power in us greater than any power that can come against us. We are believers. We have a bright light around us bright
radiance of glowing with God's glory. We have a blessing on us and a blessing always overrides a curse. Start the year in FAITH not fear. Don't be fooled by false idols promising things they'll never deliver. Look at scriptures not pictures. Detach yourself from the material world of greed and warfare. Believe what Jesus taught us 2000 years ago. God wants to talk to you he wants to be your friend. Jesus came to have a relationship with you. I have been transformed by faith in prayer. God's mercy is available to whomever will accept it. Jesus is in your heart. We know right from wrong so choose what Jesus chose. He came out with all power. Luke 10-19. "I give you power over all power of the enemy!" God's mercy is bigger than any mistakes. Wholeness of heart and mind is always alive in your life. Jesus defeated the enemy once and for all. We have nothing to fear. God never intended for us to run from the enemy. Jesus is my redeemer and he is your friend and redeemer too. The most powerful force in the universe is on the inside of you. Nothing can snatch you away. To be absent from the body is your time to be with the Lord. Rise up and tap into this power! Amen