
Beloved of All
I asked our heavenly father that because you created a woman for man that if you created me for a man please bring that man into my life asap' accoridng to YOur perfect timing and WIll heavenly Father unite me and my Husband to be One flehs and let nothign no demon no perosn no insecity no shyness no language barrior no fals ejudgment nothign get int he way of our love for oen anothe rour attractionf or one another and our union equally yoked and joine dot be One flehs and in covenant with each other till death and wiht God as well. Please giv eHIm your salvation. give HIm wisdom give him a very strong urge to FIdn me and folow through. pelas egiv ehim courage to ask me to marry HIm for you have already joined us to be One . make usere we both knwo that YOu Heavenly Fathe rhas joine dus to be one that in what oyu Have joine you are the One who married us LOrd marry us marry us soon please Lor doyu are our HIhg priest it Is YOu that marries us it is by you spirit that non shal want their mate. Lord Marry us Lord YOu Heavenly Father marry us you amrry us loud and clear tell us that oyu have marrie dus that we are One flehs that i was made from MYhusbands rib and that my husband i am HIs woman! please like pelase Lord and may nothign come between us or get itn the way of YOu Heavenly fFather marryign us YOu are the One who marries us! marr yus Lord marry us Lord soon thanky ou Heavenaly Fathe rfor my hsubadn thanky ou so much for him. protect him keep him safe guide his thoguths actions heart. heal him where he needs healign an dhis fmaily too. please put it in his heart to pray fo rme pleas ejoin us marr us Heavenly Faterh by OYur holy Spirit it YOu that does htis mirculous work all for oyur glory thanky oU abba Father aslo splease remove al spiritual attacks all demoni attacks dleive rmy husband form all lie sdeception delive rhis bondy mind thoughts actions motvies understangin his whoel life and al his family formt he devil. pelase Lor dcleary reveal to me whom you have made me for to be His Helpmate for the rest of my life and reveal to HIm tha ti Am HI rib His wife HIs help mate. pleas eprovide a place for us to dwell for yur glor yby your power lord Jeus chirst.provid eofr our wedidng. Lord you Are hte preist merr yus cleary int he presence of all of Heaven and earth iny our presenc ean dlet nothign separte us .What God has joined let no mad ( or demon or anyone separete the marriage of me and my husbadn and YOu God. Please HOly spirit intervene mightily in my husbands life an dmin Hoyl spirit please send all your angel Holy angel for us to meet and ommunicate and for us to hav eour eyes opened ot by the HOly spiit that we are married by God and supposed ot dwell together and that God is workign to be oen flesh. Lor d Lor dmarry me off to my HUsband you have made me for ( no coutnerfeits formt he enemy please. expose al ocoutnerfeits make that super clear adn Open my eyes openy my eyse and HIs eyes and recoginie that i was made for HIm. thnak you Lord. thnak you. Please destroy the works of the devil that is causing any delay in us meeting and you Lord marrying us off YOu beign our HIgh Priestmarr yus off. also giv emy husband such strogn love for me and em for HIma l the day sof our lvies such strogn attraction so divine so strogn with the holy spitit pleas eGod OYur Holy spiti made us One marr yus off. the hOly spiti do the work of brignign and joinign us to becoem one flehs. remove whatever would hinder this form comign to pass compelltes remove that if their is someont hat that is sprevenitg us form becomign on e flehs and being married to one another by YOu and with YOu Lord Jeus Chirst thank OYu Lord Jeus Chirst for givign me my huband. pelase give HIm to me and me to HIm as soon as possible. Le t no demon snatch our love for one another and our marriage covenant form You lord. pelase reveal to HIm and me that it is YOur perfect WIl for us to be huband and wife make that EXTREMELY LOUD AND CLEAR AND Loud and clear to both us us. no blindness in recognizing that i am His womand and He is my HUsabdn. Let me recognize and know whom the man is whom YOu made me to be a helpmate for and let HIm recoginize that He is MY HUsbadn and no one elses husband. Our Heavely Fathe rour make have all the glory who Our Lord Jeus chirst who is our High priest do all in your power to join me and my husband in MArriae as soon as possible wiht no person obstacle idea nothign get itn the way of you joinign me and my husband what you have joined let no one and nothing separate. All glor ygoes to OYu Lord. please giv eme ey KIngdom spouse do al in YOur power to giv eme my KIgdom spouse Lord and remove the cause of the delay the cause of us not meet or communication or the caus ein which you are not Clearly revealign us to YOu and oen another. remove all unclean spirits that is preventign me form meetign and communicating adn recoginizign my HUsband form the Lord and vice versa. pelase remove all spititual attacks form my husband. remove all blindness form my husband and form me. force us to meet Lord force us to be married please give us Such divine strogn love and attraction for oen another like nothgin on earth thank you Lord please provid eofr our needs in every way Lord. join us by the POwer your Power Lord Jeus Christ to beocem One flesh all for your Glory and by Your power. please remove all demonic deception form our lives betreenmy true HUsband form GO and form me. pelase giv eHImy our salvation and helaign and give us eyes to see OUY Lord and ears to hear you Lord and tell both uof us that we are husband and wife clearly loud and clear and join us by the power of oyur HOly spiti. pleas epreapre us to be husabdn and wife till death do us part ( or rathe reternal lfie iwht Christ. please remove all stumbling blocks that prevent em and my husband form meetign recocgnizign eath other and Holy Spirit give us this recoginition LOUD and clear and also remove al blindness form our heart eyes in every way let us recognize one another by the powe rof the Holy spirit. pleas ejoin us together to be husband and wife Lord and remove all tha tis preventign us form marrign accorisng to OYur WIll Lord Jeus Chirst to OYu be the glory na dhOnour and prais eI thank OYu for my spouse that YOU have given me Lord. please remove the caus ein which i do not recognize hIm or met him and vice versa and do al iny our power to join us to be husband and wife as accordign to YOur WIll Lord. tell me whom I was mad fe for which mad.. of yourse I was made for Chris tbut Lord whose helpmate am i made to be??? pleas eelt me knwo soon. please thanky ou. help me to praye. deliver my husband form all spirituall attacks fre him from all demonicinfluence oipression. set himf ree form all that is formt he enemy and make him fidn me. set me free from al tha tis formt he enemy and cause me to be found my by MY HUsbadn form you God. pleas ele tno insecity of andy at all prevent oyur Holy spiti form joining my husbadn and em to becoem one flessh married by our Heavely Fathe rin Heaven ordainig us t be husband and wife. Please giv eus both wisdom and follow throught o do oyur will LOrd dont allow us to follow anyonys voice but Your S Lord Jeus Christ. YOur voice Lord Jeus Christ join me and my husband you have made me for Lord. all pr in the nameo f the Lord jeususCHirs tal prais ena dGlory goes to YOu Lord. ipray me and my husband wil have exceleltn communicationa dn the most power love for one anothe rvia the hoyl spiti. liek we can read ach other sminds. i pray my husband wil alway sprotect me adn provide of rme and love me like Chirs tloved the churhc and gave himself for her. i pray He is onyl attracted to me ad a woman. only me and He will show this attractign very evidently and vice versa. only man i am attracted to. i pray we will be comfortbale wiht one anothr safe and divnely incredily in love iwht one another. love that take our breath away ALl by the POwer of God. thank you Lord God almighty. pelase reveal to me who is MY HUsband Lord adn thank youso much for HIm. I love hIm tel HIm this too because I am his help me and he is not good for him to be alone so I was created to be his healthmate whoever this man is I asked that you clearly revealed to me who I was created for no counterfeits please I want my husband from God only I want to recognize him as flesh of MFlesh bone of my phone I want to recognize that I was taken out of my that man's rib clearly when I want him to recognize that I was taking out of his red clearly if it's blank please give me confirmation if it's not blamed then give a confirmation that's not blank please tell me with the whole name face identity I was created to be His helpmate HSi woman I was taking out of this man recognizes me as HIS oNly helpmate! and Ineed to CLEARLY recognize by Your HOly Spirit Lord you created ME to beHIS his helpmate only HIS! please father put it in his heart for him to desire me in every way attracted to me so storngly . His love evindently lavish on me al the day sof my life and vice versa to Desire me as the HSiw ife the mtoehr of his children strognly urgently . Please Lord remove aynthing adn i mneal anything anybody or anything or anyone get in the way of Christ Uniting us asap us in Christ for each other marriage covnant to each othera nd with God wiht Christ. Lord Jesus Christ please clearly reveal to me who this man is who I was made to be a Help mate for please do everything in YOUr power Lord Jesus Christ by your power power so asap For YOur Glory and by YOur powe rin your perfect timign accoridng to YOUR WIll LOrd by YOUR power glory and by YOUR power and I asked that YOUR Holy spirit brings us togehter to meet communicate and reveal and be in love wiht each other and wiht Chirst the Lord Jeus Chirst Our Lord and Saviour unite sus to be equally yoked as husabdn and wif ein Christ andunited together as soon as possible and please do not let anything get in the way for our recgnizign who we are to one another husbadn and wif ein CHrist . please let us recognize and engage wiht each other soon effortless easy safe trusitng lovign communication beteween us no devil gettign the way of our love or communication wiht one another ever!!! ever i cast the devil oour of our lives comeltley in the nameo fhte Lord Jeus Chirst. cometlely no deivl in oru union our thoughts ocmmunciation love fo rone oen aothe rin our lives wiht oen anothe rinly Chris ittn he center no devil in our lives int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst.only the Lord His LIfe and life in abundanc ein our marriage our unity our bidies minfds in our fmailies live sporperty work togeht . LORD let me clearly know tell me who MY HUSband is and I asked that you tell HIm by the powe rof your HOly spirit that I am HIs rib His wif eHis helpmat emothe rof his offspringthank YOu Lord! giv eus lots of children pelase and the the suport finances resources blesisng sbless our union so strognly so powerfully bless me and my husbadn union so strongl strngly powrerfully. Lord Jeus Chirst pbless us as One bless bles us and the fmailies we cam form. bless us Lord with the fruit of the womb belss our food our lives our bodies. Bless us to be one wiht YOu Lord and each other one flehs Lor dbles sus bles osur love use us for Your glory so storngly so storngl int is world. please use us to expand the gospel of the Lord Jeus Christ tand use us to bels sother. let us be a true blessing for oen another and togehter and for out lvies fmaileis. all prais eand Glroy ot OYu Lord. Bles smy husbadns in every way Lord. bles shima dnprotect HImf ormall evil. guid eHIm life so strognly so storngly Lord. giv eHIma heart after yours and giv eme and ehart after YOur Lor.d Lord you are the one whobrigns u togehte in holy matrimony marriage covnant ordained by You Lord. OYu have all the Glroy thanky YOu Lord Jeus Christ. speak strongly loudly clearly to both of us that you WAnt us it is Your pefect HIly Will forus to be marrined in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. TO glorfy You Aloen Heavnely Father. thank You.!!LOrd Jesus Christ I pray for revelation both of us to what is preventing us from meeting communicating marrying one another in Christ with Christ. I ask that you deliver him from all evil whoever this man is that I was made for in the nameo fhte Lord Jeus Chirst. and keep him safe from all spiritual attcks and formt he enemy. i nt he anemot f the Lord Jesus Christ. Please give the job that you want him to have to make money for us. please tel HIm how to use HIs money and make HIm obey you ina ll thigns. Please giv him talents desires that You want HImt o have. mak e HIma lways obey you at al times in the anmeo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. same wiht me.t hanky OYu Lord. Lord give him Wisdom and all areas of his life heal his body int he nameo fhtre Lord Jeus Chris tgiv ehima sound midn always. free him form al stanic bondage and addictions. and formfoollishness depression unahiness etc. same her int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t help HImt o pray and fight the good fight of faiht. make HIm be faithful to YOu Lord and to me. renew the spiti of HIs mind otuch HIs mign establish His thoguhts. guide HIm and forc eHIm to obey YOur HIoly sitis at al times. i pray htis for me too. Dleive rhis brian enurons nerve signals communications behavior froma ll evil in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ. touch his mind Lord. flash he was hard prepare him to be my husband to be an excellent provider excellent head and communicator and lointimate lover for me to me protector and to love me just like Christ loved the church and gave himself please prepare me to be an excellent wife . better then He coul ever ask or think of.and help mate always help me to submit to him as onto YOu Lord help me to be submissive help me not to to be silent when you want em to be and I guess but also a teach me lord when to be silent to my husband when and how to communicate wiht HIm how ot be myslef around him no insecurities... etc. help me to feel secrue Lor idn His love for me help HIm to make me secur ein His loive and protection deicaiton devotion to You Lord and YOur WIll. please help us to communciatre wiht oen anothe rina way that is pleasign to OYu Lord and also help us to hear form YOU Lord. loud and clear. Lord please provide for our needs provide for our wedding financial provide give us establish our commit our lives to serving You Lord otgther ot honour and glorify YOu and brign souls to your KIngdom. help us to KNow YOu Lord. help us to knwo oen another too.. let their be absoltoley no mis understanding language barriers between us and please deliver us from all unclean spirits please deliver our families from alt enclave spirits I asked this with the holy blood of the lord Jesus Christ please deliver us from all illness including mental physical psychological illnesses deliver us from addictions deliver us from like everything that is evil exposed to what is evil in our lives and help us to repent Lord completely deliver us take all evil out of our lives in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ am I pray I pray this for my husband his family and I pray this for my family at all people had prayed that people that you want to marry the Lord they married but Holy Spirit put us under in the name of Jesus Christ don't let any demon come between me and my husband don't let any demons become between me and my family don't let any demon like code between him and his work between tongue between his body between his talk don't let any demon enter my husband if there is a demon in my husband please remove the Demons forever in the name Jesus Christ don't let any demon in main Lord Jesus Christ if there's a demon and me please remove the demon from the name of the Lord Jesus Christ there is a demon and my grandma any demon at all please remove every demon out of my grandma in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please remove all sickness and iseases out of my grandma in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please have my father please read every demon out of my mother and please remove every sickness out of my mother Jesus Christ and please remove every demon out of my brother and then of the lord Jesus remove every uncle spirit heavenly father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ out of my brother removed histamine intolerance allergies out of my brother asperger syndromatic my brother in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please father and I thank you please completely deliver every single person in my family and my husband and his family from the devil deliver us from all evil deliver us both of our Center families from the devil deliver us with your holy blood Lord Jesus Christ deliver us from everything that is not clean the holy blood of the lord Jesus Christ Is Enough to make me clean and everybody so I ask heavenly father I plead the holy blood of the lord Jesus Christ on all flesh remove every unclean Spear from all flesh forever In The Name of the lord Jesus Christ they might crane I praise and thank you Lord for the Lord Jesus Christ and thank you for his holy blood and his body I ask you have been my father to please destroy the works of the Devil in my life completely for your glory and buy your power in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I do not limit the holy one of Israel I asked that you completely destroyed the works of the Devil in my husband's life and his families life completely removed every unclean spirit every devil everything that is attacking them don't let any devil enter Their Hearts or their bodies periodontosis disease osteoporosis cancer tumors fungus all-flashing bacteria all of these all illnesses to depart from all people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I asked heavenly father please remove covid stop the warn Ukraine please remove everything that is causing people to be deceived in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ remove everything that is coming between us lord and you would in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please forgive my sins please for doing that doing your will please review my husband I asked if you have a husband for me on this planet that's from you need to be a healthmate for and him to be a hit to me for him Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her please bring that man into my life without further away make sure that no Demon no person no creature nothing gets in the way of your holy spirit bring me to me and the Holy Spirit join us together thank you Lord
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I asked God in Jesus' name to answer your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy.

Prayer Focus: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless all those I love and care about to accept the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. Save us all Lord Jesus and become our Savior and Lord. God may we all come to know, love, and live our lives to honor You. God bless each of us with the desire to read, listen to, and meditate upon Your Word daily. God bless us with the strength and spirit of obedience to be doers of Your Word and not just hearers and readers of Your Word. Bless us with love, power, and a sound mind. Heal each of us Lord Jesus in all areas of our lives. Bless us to prosper, have excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Bless us with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding for the purpose you created each of us for. Bless us with the desire to seek Your face, embrace, and surrender to Your will. Bless and help each of us to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. God bless us with Your joy, peace, protection, prosperity, and success as we live our lives to please You. Rain down from heaven the blessings and the favor of GOD upon each of our lives, so that we will be blessed and be a blessing. Let each of us be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle we each live. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of this prayer and all those who truly want Your best for me. God Thank You. Thank You. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name.
Prayer was written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach.

God Please Use Me
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Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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