Humble Prayer Partner
I ask that you pray for me and my family and friends. Recently both of my older brothers have had battles with alcohol and it's just been tough. I have been the only one in y family that has never had a drink of alcohol or any recreational drug. I have lived a clean life because their was alcoholism in my life, but it has taken its toll on me. I was a good athlete and sports was my outlet, but the times i spent alone and hid all that stuff took so much joy from me. i always have a happy face and have many friends, but inside I am lost. My faith has waivered and life has become just a big worry. I have panic attacks always and lose my concentration and focus a lot. I over think everything and pay attention to dumb stuff like blinking and breathing and other ridiculous things. Sometimes i feel like I am losing my mind until i tell myself that I am alright and there is nothing wrong with me. I have been the person that was the go to guy when things went wrong in my family, and that just broke me over the years. I have a beautiful wife and two great kids, but it's still tough. I ask that you pray for me so that God can give me his wisdom, understanding, peace and wisdom to look at things with a clean and clear mind. To be able to really enjoy my life and not be so empty and alone inside. How i wish i could be happy somehow. Than you and God Bless you all.