satan wants to kill you , your thoughts are being controlled by him . Get into the word of God , read what Christ has to say about you , you are here for a reason , the Lord does have a plan for your life . Open your bible and read Jeremiah 29 : 11 . If you are a Christian , then your life is not your own , it was bought at a great price and that was Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins . Don't you understand that your life is such a precious gift , Jesus loves YOU , you are His beloved child and His word says that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God and that He will NEVER leave or forsake us . Begin to worship the Lord , this will change the atmosphere , His presence will surround you and in His presence is fullness of joy . God is not moved by our circumstances , He is moved by our faith and His word says that without faith it is impossible to please Him . He alone can fill your every need if you will just seek Him with your whole heart . He longs for us to come to Him . Talk to Him , He is always willing to listen . :48: :jesus-sign: