You God have brought me this far and i know that You will continue
to watch over me in Jesus's name and bring me farther still....
i love you Lord...please just hold my hand today
amen xoxox
May Your peace flood my very being God
and calm my heart and comfort my mind and soul and spirit inside of me today
Father in Jesus's name
hear this prayer and send angels to minister to me too today !
Amen and Amen xoxox
Father in Jesus's name
be with me all day today in the sweetest of ways
and may Your Holy Spirit lead me and guide me all thru-out today
keep me in the right place at the right time
saying and doing all of the right things
order my whole day Blessed Trinity
amen xoxox
i continue to pray for this request of The Father In Jesus's Name...
may i be totally healed and fully set free from anxiety and panic attacks at last...
amen xoxox...