Beloved of All
I ask for humbleness and accessible prayer for Virginia Star Gate investigative and agency worker Michael Price to be prayed for so he can stop all confusion and make clear intelligent and compatible moves for the Senior Analysis in forensics. I opened several star gates inside this earth under the same identity over and over again just pray in all the power of all of Christ that all come together and hear the words and movement necessary for all of the true identities of all the same ordered common sense all over again I never give any permission for violating criminals that kill and explicitly sell under age baby’s on the streets no matter where any judges such as my self not so far away on other planets the secret star gate word and typing and non sense clearly required by word and action of stupidity and true corrections I have objected my life while I have opened a floor plan of the secret hidden space and air I request all of my life back into my organization since several moments I have gotten naked over hundreds of times because of hate crimes by child predators that continue to violate anyone involved with full studies and biological breakdown of true science and correct that I have peace in the name of Jesus Christ I look forward to all the prayers any that genuinely produce the corrective necessities of order in all of our commonwealth which the family had put over 200 years of services and complied with disabilities that have incurred during our protective ensures while still knowing all details of our lives during all privately correspondence. I ask for china to be prayed for by the lord of all china and sutras to work affective for my self at all times, I ask for all complete employees and work for ATIPN and Martian services to mind there own lives while china beats everyone up by the Covid 19 SARS and banking institutions to keep all corrected that commits themselves to wrong doings I ask for my showers to be always remain positive and good in clean waters I ask to move with my twin where necessary, I never agreed with several persons offering fraudulent medicines if everyone could pray I get my own medicines any where any time that would continue prayer into the self star gate and I ask for my star or shooting star cleaning materials that I have brought down from space I ask to remember and resemble my star token award from the 2003 shooting stars inside the globe which of many. I would like all of my disciples to pray for me for healing and weight loss and secured body parts I need to gather everyone everything anyone and that’s just what’s going to happen nothing else needs to be said. Request these uplifting resonances and allow my quantum computer to completely stay in order of my life my words where extremely brief I used about under 87,000 words in 28 years of my life. Pray for my life and everyone’s else’s would remain peaceful and non hurtful. I am relaxing all the time. I would recommend my self on daily achievements but I am forced while being labored and own negative medications that never worked. I ask for medicines company’s to go completely bankruptcy in every court room inside the United States of Americanese we pray for this amen amen amen ah thank you lord god. I ask for deliverance and breakthrough prayer never be I be shown or translated in any way pray for private ways to keep amends. Pray for the great witness protection men and women for all of beast and nations for all of our commanding life’s. I need to request the beginning and the next humanity flight of all human flying changes of our year two thousand twenty two I nest inside my sharpness of my male relationship while continue to be I reject all national crimes through false medicines of any childless and child’s hateful false movements and non and pressed on decisions or deception of formality. I pray I feel and keep felt and pelted feelings for the and to the norm or normal for each seconds and hours. I have lived almost one million hours in my wonderful life. I have to say it’s been far out brroooho, let’s all pray to the camper of meditative tranquility that all toxins leave approximately and appropriately at control timing stay out of my star gate and career in the areonaughts fundamentalists of your mentally restarts easily cracked skull and leave me alone while we all pray for what seems to be wrong but we all know it’s rightfully perfection and room for advancement. Prayer request has been sent to my senior forensic team and all said amen. I need prayer for my self as a first responder that I come in reach contact with my space station and permanently turn off All electronics. Perception polygamous correctness movements necessary. I ask for excellente collaborations through my word and lettering and secret shapes and striving independences. I will keep that’s all mine and the Jesus Christ him self said amen. Thanks for taking the time out to listen to what needs to be pray for and remember god is some kind of wonderful. Thanks M