I ask for deliverance from evil spirits in Jesus name.please pray for me
Lord God we come to You knowing that You are The Eternal God, Your Name is I Am! The Creator, Holy , Just and Righteous, Loving and Merciful Father Your Name is Above every Name. Your Name in Genesis 1:1 Your Holy Name is Eliohim meaning = " Unified/ Complete/Lacking Nothing! " You are outside of time and space! Beyond our comprehention!! You are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Not 3 Gods, NO! Not 1+1+1=3 NO! Rather 1 God!! 1ร1ร1=1 God!! Unified, Complete, Lacking Nothing! AMEN! Yet You created everything for Your glory! You wanted fellowship with people! You created angels, different than us before us, superior in form and duties different than us humans, but being consistent designer in creation gave The angels Free Will to Choose who they will follow, just like mankind!!
Because if any being were FORCED to love You, it would not truly be love!! We understand Love= Freedom. Freedom to choose You, or reject You. You don't want robots. Lord God, we know when Your highest, wisest, most beautiful, most talented worship leader of all heaven, the highest arcangel Lucifer was Your best of the best. He glorified You! All heaven praised You!! But onece he saw how much intellect, beauty and talent and wisdom he had, he decided in his heart he deserved worship, too!! Becoming jealous of God, he pointed out his brilliance he said " I will ascend above the highest clouds, I will make myself like the Most High" Isaiah 12-14:14 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 , Jude 6, for he desired worship! Lucifer's request for worship caused great conflict and he convinced 1/3 of the angels of heaven to follow after him!! When You Holy God kicked Lucifer out of heaven, and changed his name to Satan the accuser and all who chose him instead of You 2nd Peter 2:4 they were warped and became demons, who hate You, Lord God, his mission as their leader is to seperate as many people from You as possible! ecause he is too proud and jealous he stole the Title Deed to the Earth in the Gsrden, after You created everything and declared it Good!! Everything was in balance, was pleasant, joyful, naked and unashamed, harmonious as You intended!! He decided to ruin it out of spite, Lord! He hates You, so he hates us!! He braught death, shame, guilt, disease, weeds, pain, fear, hard work, dispair, hatred, confusion... He always twist truth, torments, confuses and destroy people who love You!! But God, You love us!! You made a way where there serms to be no way!! You sent Yourself in a Human form and we could see, feel, and understand to rescue us from sin that A Holy God can not tolerate!! We are lost with out hope without You LORD GOD! It was Your plan to save us, if we just simply believe Your word is truth, life the way to the Father Jesus as the Holy
Bridge between God and the human race , to show us how to live! To be our Sin Substitute and Jesus Christ Holy pure blood withou 1 drop of sin because it was Your idea Genesis 3 and Isaiah 7:14 the seed of a woman= Virgin Birth is Your Sign to us!! Jesus bypassed the sin of Adam , so His blood paid was Holy, accepted by God the Father to the price of All Mankind's Sin past, present and future!!! ONCE for All Time!! All rebelliousness, evil thoughts, words and wicked deeds violence,lies, greed, selfishness, list, pride were paid for with the sacrifice of Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away all the sin of the world!! Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 suffering for us He who knew no sin became sin for us a At the moment You put all my sin/Samron's /the world's evil sin on Jesus Christ, You could not look at Him, and turned away Your Holy face, Lord. The earth grew dark, the earthquake tore the curtain in the Temple from the Top to the Bottom! No longer having seperation from a Holy God, were only the High priest could go in to offer a temporary sacrifice to sin temporary but contantly repeated blood sacrifice..Thank You God..and like the thief on the cross we Know You accepted that gift of love for us, because You raised up Jesus who took all our sin to hell, and conquoring death and hell, Raised Jesus to life where many people saw Him, talked to Him, ate with Him 500 eye witnesses at one time saw Jesus! Paul tolsd us, he said they were alive to go ask them! When he wrote the letter telling the good news og the Gospel of peace, truth and forgiveness of sin! And He ascended to heaven at sits at Your Right Hand interceeding on our behalf, Lord! We know demons must obey, Gods Favorite , they know their time is short !they Tremble in Fear of Jesus Christ of Nazereth!! It is more than knowing about God, the devil knows about God, you must accept the Free Gift of God!! Like the thief on the cross could do nothing to " save himself" no religious, works or ceremomy! Only faith, trust in Jesus + nothing and Jesus promises him heaven that day!! We know at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jusus Christ is Lord!! To the Glory of the Father!! So demons, you vile, wretched, hopeless, pathetic things, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth I cast you all out into the nearest dog!! You are free and in your right mind, go and declare your victory! Be rid of all witchdoctor evil charms, talesmans, seeing eyes, you burn them, do no open any door to their evuil devices, preach the love and oeace, the forgiveness of sins!! And know and discern once you have accepted Jesus Name as your savior of sin, and make Him Lord of your life, it is physically impossible for a demon to control you anymore, friend!! Because when you repent of your sins ( u- turn with your life! Say I am sorry for sinning against You Holy God! I accept Jesus death, burrial and resurrection from the dead! Thank You God!! I will serve You with love, talk peacefully and see other as You see them, precious, in need of salvation! Then you will have a song in your heart, thankfulness and joy that you are no longer bound by dead religion, and alive to love, joy , peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control!! That is the Holy Spirit filling your heart!! When anyone accepts Jesus they have the empty place in their heart filled up with God!! When He is in your spirit there is no room at all for ant demon!! So thank God they are Gone in Jesus Name!! No longer serving self, to serve Jesus in thoughts, words and deeds!! Tell peeople!! Pray, ask God to send the Holy Spirit to open eye, minds and hearts to His peace, and truth about Jesus!! Go and be in peace. Be healed!! Be well, be sound in mind, body and spirit I am Praying for you to have a mighty hedge of protection around you!! and your family and friends and neighbor's, and city, and country to be set free indeed!! In Jesus Name Amen!!