Disciple of Prayer
I apologize, I keep posting a prayer request that God probably doesn't handle. I don't know if I should or want to live or die. And it is hard to pray to God when I am asking for a miracle about which I am told that He does not work that way. God, please have mercy on me and come into my life and act. I have sinned and gone against you. I know that you are an all-powerful and all-knowing God of abilities, but I cannot fathom why you let so much suffering happen (on me), so I have difficulty understanding that you are loving and merciful. I know that I my prayer requests are like demands for a sign or a miracle, and I apologize. I know it seems difficult, however, please heal me of my illnesses in bipolar disorder/anxiety, which has plagued me all my life, and ischemic (blockage) stroke from last year, from which I have difficulty recovering with mobility issues. Deliver me from financial difficulties. (I am undergoing a credit recovery program to pay off my debts, but it is too hard to fulfill. My family in America offered to help, but this has brought problems of its own including damaged relationships and limited help. And the future seems dark in terms of current work and other prospects. I feel overwhelmed and am too scared to live or die (I feel like I need to escape my mess (most of which I caused) by taking my life, which is a sin in itself.) Sometimes I wish that I would not wake up in the morning or be killed in a traffic accident. God, please help me. I know that I am asking for a miracle or a sign. Please have mercy on me. I know it is a sin but I am often tempted to look at a different place for solutions. I actually consulted an Asian astrology/feng shui specialist out of frustration and as a reflection of how bad things have gotten. I apologize to you God and ask for Your forgiveness. (I currently work in a dangerous job, the only kind of irregular work that I can get, but I may be forced to give up my driver's license and due to lying on the job because of the mental health issues and stroke recovery that were already mentioned.)