I did a great deal of housework today. Then the pain got bad, and I had to stop. I am very disappointed that I still can not stay on here. Please pray I get better very soon and that I deal well with the VA on the 18nth. I think I need steroid injections. I am going to suggest this to them and see what kind of reaction I get. Also, please pray I find my application for medical and the gold crucifix Jim bought for me. I have that plastic jewelry storer that you hang up. I used the necklace from that crucifix for another item because it was just the correct length for the neck line. Now I can not find it. It has to be there somewhere. It just has to. Again, I am so, so sorry I can not stay on line. I keep trying. I would have been able to do a little today, but I had to clean my apartment. God bless all. Lamb.