Humble Servant of All
I am stressed about a lot of things in my life and don’t feel good enough for anyone to marry due to my lack of earnings and not having a job that people respect someone of my age having, let alone feel good enough for God. I am stressed, because I am on fixed income and have a part-time restaurant job, and there’s no upper mobility with that, since the government limits your income. I would like to get off government assistance so I could utilize my talents and earn more income, since I’m not sure marriage is part of my future, though I wish it was since men want more ambitious women who earn more than me. I wish I could have married a guy I dated in my past, but he was of a different religion, yet he didn’t hold my lack of income against me and didn’t try to tell me how I should or shouldn’t spend my money, and he didn’t get on me for wanting a latte or something from a restaurant despite my lack of wealth. I want to pray for his salvation even if he and I never meet again. I wish I could see him again, and he could be a Christian, and we could be together, but that may be just a dream. I haven’t talked to him since 2016.