I am so upset and very disturbed and so is my husband about our grandaughter Ashley she is 16 teen years old and lives with her dad and a lady that takes care of her Maria, was with my husbands daughter Renee for a couple years and they had a child Ashley and when he left her he filed for custody of the child, so he had Maria take care of her threw the years so know Maria is in Florida visiting her sister and Maria has heart problems so she is going to move there and that will leave Ashely to live with somebody else, and Ashley asked her mom if she could live with her and her granmother and yes of course..well Ricky the dad threw a fit and said no you can not live with your mother..the reason why is because he would have to pay child support..well he whats her to move into his mothers house she passed on a couple months ago and Darla lives in the house with her boyfriend that is a futive and she is harboring him for a couple years he has had sex with children and is on parol but he has not gone in and so he is on the run or whatever it is, he hears voices in his head and goes naked in the house..and there is another homeless guy there that lives there too and they have a mortor home right by the house where other homeless guys stay at and maybe doing drugs and the father he just got arrested for drug use or selling it and is on porol for a couple years, and he whats his daughter that is only 16 to live there..this is so so disturbing to me and my husband that he would have her live there in that house, I told Maria that took care of ashley about us feeling disturbed about the situation and so forth..she had to tell everybody in the messege I sent her to them and Darla messeged my husband about it and said I said the her bf the futive runs naked in the house so he whats to know what I said about him,,,I never said names or said naked...I am so so distorubed that she would tell everybody the father the mother is sister why? I was only saying we were very disturbed about the situation..I feel so betwayed by her doing this and high anxiety I been praying and praying I am a christian and my husband too. Somebody said they could sue me for what I said but I never said anything bad..I feel so awful inside and sad and full of emotions..help..Lord here this prayer it is a prayer too.