I am so sorry I have not been around to pray for other people. Things are just getting so bad around here -- One after the other after the other. More cruelty from my mother. Between Jim and I, one doc's appointment after another. Please pray my chest x-ray comes out okay. I just did 20 minutes on my bike without using rescue inhaler so that is good sign my lungs are not that bad -- but yesterday I was very disappointed because had to use two. Pray God heals me of this lung problem or else that I can manage it well enough to power walk, go dancing, etc. The PA said she thought I could, but I am fearful anyway. Pray special intention for Jim as well. Pray we can make it through these next few harrowing days and accomplish what needs to be done. Pray Jim has good outcome with neurologist. Pray too about my dental appointment today at 12:30 -- On top of everything else, have toothache. Pray is not big, expensive thing. Also that we can get Jim's records and MRI to his doc on time for tomorrow. They gave us like one day to run around getting all this stuff -- That is on top of toothache and all this other garbage. Thank you for praying. Will be back as soon as I can. Your sister in Christ, Lamb.