Dear SavannahAmber, we are told in scripture that God will never leave us or forsake us, he reassures this by telling he that he will never give us anything we can not handle. That means he will never allow you into any temptation for which he did not already create a way out. So that means that if you trust him, you can walk away from the addiction anytime the enemy temps you, no matter how strong the addiction is, Christ destroyed it when he died on the cross. You are already free of this and any addictions.
Jesus I thank you for this beautiful person you have made. I thank you that you have destroyed all sin so that we are NEVER hopeless. In your name I come against this and any addiction and declair your child free. Begone Satan in the name of Jesus this one is a child of the lord most high and is free. Father I pray that you will instill in their heart strength and confidence that you are intact greater and that they are greater in you. In your name I pray Lord. Amen