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I need as many prayer warriors to step in and pray for my miracle. I need a breakthrough in communication with Jimmy. I am praying that God will push him to contact me today and to give us the confidence to talk to each other. I know that God stepped in when I saw him in August and there is a lot of love there. I just need a second chance and that today he will contact me. Or for God to give me signs like I have been praying for to contact him. I have been waiting for this miracle for 11 months and I have not really seen anything. I just need to see positive movement and signs and most of all my miracle. God release him from whatever is holding him back and join this fight with me. I need to see the power of prayer in my own life. Please pray that I will be placed heavily on his heart and mind since I think it is more of an out of sight out of mind thing vs anything too bad.God thanks for all who pray and post for me. For you say where two are gathered that you are there with them (Matthew 18:20). God you also say ask and we will receive, I have been asking for a long time god and my hands are worn from knocking. I am weary and brokenhearted God and I ask that as promised in Matthew 11:28-30 and Psalm 34:18 that I hear from my friend and that my weary heart and broken heart is restored. God I am asking for my impossible miracle to happen tonight and that I will hear from him now. Please forgive me for any sins that are holding it back and remove whatever is holding back my miracle.