Gail Leonard
Disciple of Prayer
I am married for nine years, and have two daughters,one of my own and the youngest from my husband, and he also have a boy from his side.I am turning 41 years old on the 5 Desember in a few days.We decided two years ago for another baby,and get pregnant in April/May month and started bleeding and had a miscarriages in June,docters told me this could happened because of my age.We tried again and I become pregnant again and are right now,for6-7 weeks,I started this week to have stomach pains and backpains,and also are bleeding again.Every time I go to the toilet is dark blood that are coming out of me.I am a servant of the Lord and refuse to think that this pregnancy is over,thats why I need Prayer,i thank u so much that I can come to you and ask for the people of God to pray for me,i am a believer and won't give up.Thank you so much.