Disciple of Prayer
I am making a prayer request for myself and a friend who disagreed. He did something that I know did not glorify God, and he couldn't accept his actions. After speaking to God, God told me to let him go. I cut off communication, and God told me to forgive the incident which I did, but then God told me to wait. So I am waiting. I request prayer that if it is God's will, there to be healing between us, and that we will be able to reconcile and move forward with a deeper understanding and appreciation of our relationship. I request a prayer for the blindness to be removed from his eyes and for him to know he can't serve two masters. I request for him to have a deeper relationship with God, and put God first always. To have maturity, to grow, and to be deeply rooted in the word. I request a prayer for the bondage of his addictions to be broken. I request a prayer for him to devote himself to being a Godly man and continue to grow in the church, and to take righteous actions and not be led by the world and demonic influence. I request prayer for him to no longer be sexually immoral and to no longer do any type of drugs that change his personality and make him susceptible to demonic influence. I request a prayer for those around him, his family, friends, and peers not to influence him to do sexually immoral things or to do drugs. I request prayer for God to shut any doors that will lead him away from the path that God has purposed for him. I request prayer for him to be surrounded by Godly people who only want good for him and do not want him to follow demons and go to hell. I request prayer for him to find community in the church. I request prayer for him to have Jesus live in his heart and for the Holy Spirit to live in him. I request prayer for Romans 12:2, for him to have renewing of his mind. I request prayer that he is healed of his trauma and brokenness. I request prayer that he forgive everyone and himself for any of his past mistakes. I request prayer that he trusts himself, grows in righteousness, and makes the right choices. I request prayer that he be planted by the waters and that he grow every day in Godliness. I request prayer that he produce good fruit. I request prayer that he becomes a mature Christian and that he pleases God. I request prayer that all of his actions glorify God. In Jesus' name Amen. Thank you for your prayer. God bless you!