citra marbun
hi my name is Citra Marbun. i was falling in love with somebody who was not the same as my background. i really love him. i have realationship with him before last April and now we are not together anymore. i know me and him was coming from different background and believe. he was the person who believe there is God but, rejecting to practiced by going to church.he was comes from baptist church in his home country, Honduras.caused of something that he thinks that going to church is something is really boring time and only stupid people was doing those thing. thats what he say before, he use to say thats pastor who preach in front of the church member was only a human been. what a stupid think to hears what he or she say. my faith believe nothing is impossible for God.i wants you guys pray for me together caused i know Jesus will make that ways for his people. i believe that i really love him i wants him to come back to me and i hope he will changed his life. not like he used to be the person who doenst trusth anybody and God. i hope my family will accept him. i really wants him to become my future husband. i have so many problem in my life my college. i really need prays from you guys caused i must finish my college. there are so many difficulty that i faced in my study. i beg you guys to pray for me to give me a strenght to not giving up for my sudy. my family also has facing money problem caused my father was a construction during raining, snow,or any other weather reason. he couldnt be able to work. i neeed pray for my father so he can be able to work continue.prays for eveything in my family and my life to return in the good times. please i really need you guys to prays for me. please dont leave me alone facing all this problem alone. i really need you guys to pray for me. my faith believe that if there is more than one person prays in my name i will be there. help me pleased.