Faithful Servant
I am hopeless and desperate. It's all falling apart. I am trying to hold on to hope but it's getting difficult. And somehow in the pit of my stomach I feel this is an open door. I haven't had such feelings before, and I'm clinging on to that. I didn't start this, I was scared and I asked you to guide me. I didn't voluntarily start it. It all happened. I might have not been smart when doors opened, but I was honest and I never lied. Atleast reward me for that. Please father. The doors are shutting, but a big part of me says this is all a lie, and I am being tested and at the end of this all, it will all work out. I don't know if I should trust that gut feeling. I tell myself no, it won't, you have to forget it and move on, and I'm trying, but that just makes me depressed. I have asked you for things before, and when I didn't get it, I was always pragmatic and decided no, something better is waiting there, I have better opportunities, God has better plans for me. But for this, there is nothing better, and whatever comes will be a facade based on lies and secret. And besides I have never found someone whom I could spend time with talking, and improving myself intellectually, professionally and personally, and I can't even offer friendship because that is just torture. I'm losing the one person who understands me, and who supports me, encourages me in my good pursuits and stops me from making mistakes. Please please remove the anger and ego. Please remind us both of the love and companionship we shared. Imprint that in our heart and make us realize that just friendship is painful and futile.