Humble Servant of All
I am having a procedure done in general anaesthesia because I have too much anxiety to do it awake. The procedure is in 5 days, on the 15th of May. I have today spent sevral hours with anxiety attacks of different intensities. From trouble breathing and heart racing to crying and general feeling unwell. This is only from thinking about my past traumas and my fear of dying and leaving my daughter. Or getting injured or i dont Even know anymore. Please pray for me. Pray I will be alright. Pray I dont get hurt, have a bad experience or die. Please let the doctors and nurses and everyone at the hospital I meet be wise and guided by You Lord. And please, dont let me have cancer or anything untreatable or serious. Please let it be cured fast. I am also afraid I am pregnant Even if the test dont show it yet (only one week if I am pregnant), and that narcosis will kill or hurt the baby. Please pray I feel You and Your safety and love. That I be able to trust in You. Please heal my trust issues, so I can find peace in at last You, Jesus. My anxiety always makes me doubt and be a horrible christian. So I feel Even worse and more alone and scared. Please pray for me from now and until the 15th, especially pray this day, and pray for the days of recovering after. Pray especially that I be able to show up on the day of my surgery. That my ptsd doesnt make me dissosiate so bad I cant get out of bed. Jesus, please take all this fear and anxiety from me. Please take my doubt. Please forgive me for my doubts and everything else. Please help me Amen