Dear child of God. Do Not let the adversary convince you that Our LORD is not hearing your prayers, that is a complete lie from the Master of Lies. Our Lord hears each and every prayer. If you have given your heart to the JESUS, the rest assured of that. Remember HE works on HIS Timing, Faith is based on not seeing but believing . Your prayers will be answered, be acceptable to the fact the answer may be No. HE knows best. You may not see that now, but later you will. Also, as far as feeling like you are under attack... That is the exact time to be thankful, HE is moving in answering your prayers, and satan knows that, and will use every trick he has to discourage you and attempt to convince you the LORD is not going to answer your prayers because you did so and so (sins). Do Not believe that lie. I pray you will continue to trust in the LORD and Praise HIM now for the blessings HE is sending you. May the Holy Spirit fight the spiritual battles you are having. BELIEVE.