Allison King
I am dealing with a stubborn situation with our tenants. We gave our tenants a letter of notice to move out of our apartment at the ending of this month as they owe us 2 months rent. Up to this point they only paid us advance money which would be for the 3rd month. My dad would have spoken to these tenants about the rent money on 4 occasions but they keep turning us around saying they are trying to get a loan to pay us our rent money. This situation puts us at a disadvantage as we need that money to pay our mortgage. We gave them a tenants advice when they first moved in to change over the light to their name but they did not change it to their name. The light is still on my dad's name. Up to this point the tenants have not paid any money on the light bill. My dad called the light and power company on Wednesday and explained the situation of the tenants not paying anything on the light bill. They told my dad the light can get turned off. The light was turned off on Friday and the tenants quarrel loudly about it saying we are wrong for that and making neighbors around us believe that they paid rent, which was not true. These tenants also used a lot of foul language on our property while speaking to us which was very disrespectful. Also the tenants called the police and reported to them that we got the light turned off. The police spoke to us and we told them why we got the light turned off. We told the police since our tenants moved in February, we only received an advance and NO rent money up to this point and no money was paid on the light bill. The police understand the situation and told us the tenants have no right in our apartment up to this point and they will definitely have to move out at the ending of this month of April. The police then spoke to the tenants to advice them to move out at the end of the month but they were upset about it and kept stressing about getting light turned off on them. So basically they are living at our expense for these 3 months, which is unfair to us as we have our mortgage to pay and we have overdue bills. Please pray for the power of God to compel these tenants to move out of our apartment at the ending of this month so we can get new tenants to move in at least by the 15th of May. This situation is putting a financial strain on my minimum wage salary and my parent's pension money. Thanks for your prayers in advance