Disciple of Prayer
I am being stalked by a Demon. Since January of 2015 I have been tormented and tortured by a Demon who seems to thoroughly enjoy having me at it's mercy. I feel so impotent and powerless against this Evil Entity. Here is what happens. After I get into bed at night this Demon is able to discharge some sort of energy into my body that causes my arms or legs or head to move involuntarily, even jerking about violently. Often I have to get out of bed and forget about sleeping that night. That was the case today. I never believed in the Devil or Demons until this started happening to me. This Entity is also able to disrupt my attempts to take a nap and even gets to me when I am sitting on my couch and start to get sleepy. I have tried casting out the Demon in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ but that does not have any effect at all. I have tried the highly recommended Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel but that doesn't work either. I have asked God to cast out the Demon, in the name of Jesus Christ, but no luck there either. I am getting pretty desperate and have thought about suicide. I have asked God to let me pass away in my sleep. I yell and scream at the Demon and break things and really lose it. I suspect that the Demon really enjoys seeing me in such a state. All it needs is a theater tub of popcorn to complete it's enjoyment of my misery. I don't have a girlfriend to console me and I have few friends. One person I sought advice from said I was mentally ill and needed meds. Believe me, if I was mentally ill that would be a hundred times better than the HELL I am going through. I suppose things could be a lot worse. I think a lot about a little girl in Gaza who was turned into a quadriplegic by an Israeli bomb. My problem is nothing compared to her plight, but I hate wanting to kill myself and being in constant misery. I don't have a wife or girlfriend but I do have a Demon. Go figure! If you want you can write me at Please pray for BOTH me and the little girl in Gaza. Shalom to you all. Peter