I am back from the dentist. Things went very well, and I am totally pain-free with only a few more fillings to go. I thank God I found this new dentist and that it looks like I will be able to keep the rest of my teeth (the big chewing molars on both sides had to be extracted, but I can still eat and they don't show.) I praise the Lord for giving me a second chance with my teeth and gums. I have severe gum recession from years of heavy smoking, but I quit five years ago and it looks like God is giving me a second chance. I thank anyone who prayed for me about this. Again, I am seeing on my e-mails that several people have returned my e-mails, but I can't figure out how to reply to their replies. I keep clicking where it says to, but nothing comes up. I am still trying. Right now I have on my right screen that kaya92 wants to chat with me. Kaya92, I will do my best to respond to you. However, if I can't figure out how, rest assured I really want to chat. I am just not figuring out how to use this site. Ciao.