Prayer Warrior
I am asking my prayer partners to to stand for me and my family with our fight against and bind divorce, separation, jealousy, envy, rebellion, pride, conceitedness, cowardness, Toxic behavior, wrath, ignorance, lack of purpose, vengeance, fickleness, naivetes, anger, indecisiveness, adultery, fornication generational curses, cursing each other, un-soberness, immaturity, condescending, cynical personalities, lack of compassion for one another, lack of grace for each other and lack of understanding each other. I am asking for all that keeps us from loving one another to be broken. I am asking for healing from brokenness, doom, fear, hurt, harm, pain, mental, physical, and supernatural illnesses. I am asking for peace beyond all understanding. I am asking for God to heal our wounds and keep us from failing in HIS righteousness and to live in HIS Purpose and Will for us all. I am asking God to give my children divine connections in parents, friends and mates. Where I and their father fail them God I ask that someone else will pick up the slack and stand with them and for them. I am asking for my children to be whole and complete in mind, body, soul and spirit. I ask that my children will NOT have any generational curses placed in their path keeping them from the full glory of GOD and HIS plans for them. I am asking GOD once again to heal my marriage. Donโt let Satan win in the destruction, separation and disillusion of our union. I submit to you, heavenly father, any images and imaginations that I or Chris have about your will over our union together. I ask for your forgiveness of all that we have done wrong to you and your will and the damage it has put on our families, friends and ourselves. I am so sorry for my part in the destruction of our union and I forgive Chris father I forgive his fear, I forgive him for being a coward and not fighting or standing for me and his children, I forgive his lack of understanding and compassion toward what family is per your will. I forgive him for loving other women and starting another family without me. I forgive him for not running to me and staying with this woman and her child for over 2 years. I forgive it all. I forgive his mother who never seem to be too happy about our union. I forgive their lack of compassion towards me and my children. I forgive him for not knowing what your kind of love is and not loving himself. I forgive him for fathering another child outside of our marriage. I forgive him for raising children that are not his own. I forgive his mother for hitting our daughters and him not standing for his own child. I forgive his low sense of understanding and comprehension. And I ask ALL that he lacks that you strengthen him with the new kind of wisdom, understanding and comprehension. I forgive myself for tolerating his fear, jealousy and rage towards me and my family. Father I am so thankful for all you have given us while in the paroral of divorce and separation. Thank you for the new beginnings thank you for the new career, home coworkers. Thank you for KEEPING US. You are a SUPERSTAR for helping me identify what was BROKEN in me and my HUSBAND. And discovering that we were broken even before we ever knew each other. And You cleaned me out and helped me begin again and I so appreciate you for purifying me. I ask that you do the same for him. I have not argued fussed of fought with my husband for almost a month now. Thank you for forgiving me for my part in keeping the foolishness going and whatever I was doing to give him permission to speak to me in such a negative way. Thank you lord for all you have done me and my little girls they are super amazing and I know the best is yet to come. I am asking you Father to revoke the ordinance or documentation keeping me form returning to The Boeing Company as a FULL TIME DIRECT EMPLOYEE. I do want IT all back. I ask you to revoke all ordinances of divorce with my name on it and restore. Renew, Regenerate IT all Everything that was taken, stolen, given away that was mine and mine alone. I want everything back. I want the life you intended for me and my family to have even if itโs not what I am familiar with or not what I had in mind. I want my 40 aches and a mule blessings I want all the promises that was given to my ancestors. I want what you created me for and YOUR glory, goodness and favor attached to it. I want unspeakable JOY JOY JOY. I want to be free to LOVE Free and receive LOVE free to live in Prosperity Goodness and GREACE I am ready to LIVE MY BEST LIVE and be in love with someone who is my confidante and wants me โฆ All of me the Good the bad the ugly and who wants all that comes with me my blessed Godly offspringโs. Someone who is healed from brokenness and LOVES YOU LORD ALL THE TIME. I donโt want to piece together no more men. I want wholeness in my unions with my friends my family and my divine mate. Bless you father for keeping me and my family whole this day forward. I trust you for the breakthrough over all our lives. I DO believe in miracles. I believe in your mercy and favor. I forgive all those who cursed us. I Know you are the Bless me INDEED GOD the God of Increase the NEVERTHELESS GOD the Tsunami Breakthrough GOD. The God of Goodness and Mercy Chasing Me Down and OVERTAKING ME. The God of Second Chances, forgiveness and faithfulness. The God that Delivers me, heals me considers me faultless before him. The God that named me HIS SATISFACTION (Elizabeth) names my girls HIS Presents and His Favor (Amarise and Elanna). The God that Knows, Believes and can DO any and everything ABOVE what I can ask or think. The God that will NEVER leave me or forsake me. The lifter up of my heard. The God that takes my remnants and puts me back together again. The Mountain moving GOD. The God of POWER LOVE AND A SOUND MIND. The Savior that Recklessly LOVES ME. That wrestles me know for what is good for me and to me. The God that healed me from obesity, abuse and a broken heart. The God that knows the plans he has for me. My Shephard that leaves me NOT WANTING NOTHING. My Waymaker. The sweat Heavenly One who moved Bought me an even more amazing home than the first one HE Bought me. And keeps me sustaining all the debt on my own with divine help from my family. The Amazing Grace that saw fit to provide for me every time I was without income. The provider who waived my unemployment overpayment in 2017 My Restorer. My Friend. The God that has made me the head and NOT the Tail. ABOVE and NOT beneath. The God hasnโt given me a spirit of fear but of POWER LOVE AND A SOUND MIND. The GOD THATH has made ME More than a conqueror. The GOD that Blessing me, according to HIS riches and glory. The GOD that Commands my SOUL to prosper. The NO WEAPON Formed against me shall prosper GOD. The GOD That does NOT Condemn me. The God that gives me Double for my trouble. The God that delivers me from the cankerworms and palmerworms and pestilent that are out to do harm to me. The GOD that will grant me 1000 times MORE Favor that the God of my forefathers. The God that knows how I take and that will bring me forth as PURE GOLD. I know a manโฆ A God that will vindicate me from my enemies. Calibrate the scales that man set for me. A GOD who will wash me white as snow. The God who will fight my battles and gives ME the VICTORY. I know and believe in a GOD who has set me free from sex demons. Who has taught me how to love and forgive. I know a God who brought me from St. Louis to Corpus Christi Texas cleansed me made me whole and gave me a brand-new beginning in Everett Washington then closed the door and brought me home to heal me all over again. I know the Free Favor of God that profusely Abounds over my life. I know that if you did IT before you can do IT again. I know all you want is my praise, worship and to believe in the faith that is there for the taking. And you got IT from me Father you have all of me. I believe IT I receive IT in Jesus name I thank you for IT in advance Father. Amen.. Help me get in the rhythm of GOD not force my own way but let go and let GOD in Jesus perfect and mighty name Amen.