Beloved of All
I am asking for prayers for my fmialy to be dleivere dof all sickness and disease specifically flesh eatign streptecousou bacteria blood disease diabetes circulation and also dleivere dof all neurolicl ( aspergers autism) type of disorder isn my fmaily bloodline. My grandma needs heling from dementia fliud build upoin braina nd body constant fluid build up. needs helaign of narrow arterie ssevere deofrmed body atrophy need miracle fromt h Lord Jeus Christ and also that she can brreath easily and actually eat more than a little at a time. she needs helaign of her spinal unjuried. my da dneeds healign of his spine which fractured. my baby neice in womb needs to gain weight miraucloulsy ( due dat ien decemeber11) but dphysicians want to have earlier dleiverance as shs unerwight. need . mirculoudl helaign of sister in law and so nurtients pass form her to baby perfectly rpidly mirculoulsy. my fmaily needs the Lords salvation. i woul like to have a godly hsband formt he Lord who is able to do God's WIll and also may the Lor dbless and hela and protect all of you m y fellow brothers and siter isn Christ. I am havign my faith tested and shacken. i am int he wilderness for a long time now. Lord restore my soul. i thirst so much. Please aslo heal and restore Vilike to excelent health and joy int he Lord for the Glory and honour to CHirst the Lord JjEUS Christ. i am askign praiyng for God to help me clean as i am so depressed it is hard . the daily grind is so hard. Lor dmak eit mor eintersting please. and less stress less fightign less pian a nd please restore what the devil has destroye din my entire fmaily bloodline. in the name of the Lord Jeus Chirs ti ask. may ou save all people with your hOly blod . may yYOur voice an dhearken ont o you Our Lord And Savior the Lord Jeus Christ. Glory praise and Honour go to YOu. help me not to forsake You and serve You till YOu return. thank you for oyu rprayers. in the nam eof the LOrd Jesus Christ