God in Jesus’ name honor this prayer request that has been posted.
Let’s Pray…God I ask in Jesus’ name that You will bless me with an excellent job. Bless me Lord Jesus. Bless, protect, and cover me with Your Holy Spirit. Bless me with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment from on high. Protect me and everything that You have blessed me with. Keep me safe from all hurt, harm, and danger. Show me my purpose in life. Lead, guide, and direct my footsteps. Use me Lord for Your Glory where ever You may send me. Let me always and forever operate in love. Bless me Lord Jesus to be a blessing. Bless me to walk in my God destiny with power, wisdom, knowledge, and success. Do this for me, the writer of this prayer, and all those who post a prayer on this site for a job. Amen, so be it, and it is so.