Beloved of All
I am aksign for prayers form the church for th healign fo my mothers brain asperger syndrome. i amd also prequesitgn healign of illnesse is am battlign with severe dehydration type 1 diabetesand my teeth. my grandma hwo is struggllgin to dementia beign bedridden with small bowle obstruction fro year s7 years she is sevrely skinny malnuttrtioend an d need shealign of her organs my ucle with neurlogical (they diagnose dhim as autistic in institution since young age. i would liek me nd all people wot be heale dof sepiss and my teeth alignment. I vhav ebeen a ver yonley isolated caregive irn a coutnry i di dnot grow up in different langugae nto good medical faiclites. i am on my own. i have crie dotu to God so much about this. i have decided to keep on cryign out to God for i do know H ei is real. i would liek to ask tfor the follwing prayers healign fo my mom if God is willign of autism her teeth metbaolic disdoer communcation alexthymia. i would liek to be healed s well form all neurlogical compliction adn form bood sugar issue sincludign hursitism ( beared lady). i am lnรณonely and haivng hr ditm ewith seppech due to teeth alingnemt jaw alignment sepisis. i am heartbroken but i belive wiht God all thigns ar epossible. pleas ealso pray for my brother to be free ( if he also has neurlogical asperger s tha the Lor dhela shis brian and hela him of histmine intoleranc ehis teeht dehydraiton etc. I als aks my dad to be heale dmeotionally physcialyl mentall spirtutally as well. Lor dplease give HImt he support he needs icnludgin semotional suppoert. Lor idm askignf or big miracles im asking for this liek my teeth regorw and be dleivere fo satan in my fmialies life. i m askign for a miracl eimy parnet smaairga eot be reconciled afte rliek 30 years my the ybe heale dan dhwole in Christ. i ask for a husband form God to me MY husbadn and to dwell with em and love me and i lov asking that covid is gone foreve ritn eh anmef ot he Lord Jeu sChirst. im aksing that diabetes type 1 and two and diabetes leave forever int he anmeof the Lord Jue sChirs tim askign for permant dleivernc eof all genration curse i aks tha tGod's Heavenly KIngdom come down and dlive rhtos ehwo are opresse dof the devil. im skign that the Lord dleive rme form all my fears form all my sins adn all my heartbreak and severe dehydration. Ima skign God Lor dOYur KIngdom coem set the captives freee hela people with autism heal the brinds of those wiht ilnness opr unclena spirits dleiver fme form all evil. ehal my rbian let me see YOur glory let me see YOur power Lord for lal powe ris yours. Speka to bme concenrign your WIll for my life Lord. peak for oyur servant is listenign . if i cnt he royu giv eme ears ot hear if i cannot see oyu giv eme eyes to ysee oyu with if i do not understand what you say or misinteret oyur voice giv eme the bility to clearly discern oyur voice. i feel alone and i woulke to be dleivered of hopelessness. Lord you said you vcame to give life an dlife in abundac ean dim goignt o tak eoyu at your Word. i ask that oyu giv eme and my fmialy and allpeopel life an dlfi ein aundacne ndleiver us form the devil form death drom all evil form the devil. destory the works of the devil in our lives . please destory the work of the devil in my lfie Lor dplease destory the work of the deivlin my life permantley for that is why you came you came so th it may hv elife nd lfie in abundance. please destory the works of the devil in mylife destroy the deivl Lor ddestory satan get satan out of my life Lor do all iny oru power to destory satans power move r me my fmialy my husbadnf rom God our marriage ( Lord you knwo who my husband is and do all iny ourpwer to brign us together for YOur glory and by your power and may satan not get any foot hold in our marriage iand in our lives our future chilfrdesn lives. i pray ofr asound mind in my life the mind of chirs ti pray this for all my fmial myemebrs i pray for helaign of my grnamds brian and digestion I ask for full dleivernc eformt he devil Lord the full and dpermant dleivernce formt he deivl in the namoe fthe Lord Jue sChirs tin HIs name all dmeosn leave my life forever all demons bown dow don tot he nameo fthe Lord Jeu sChris tand depart form all people. i cast out all demons out of every pserosn GEt out in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeseus Chirs tand NEVR EVER EEVR return i cas otut ever yunclena spirit out of the cfac eof the planet int henameof the Lord Jue SSChirs.t Glroy be to the LOrd Jues Chirst His power does this all rpias eand Glor yto our Savior redeemer all glory and Honour and prais eot the most HIgh LORD jESUS cHRIST. all prais eand glro yand honoru tot he Lord Jue sCHirst. YOur name be glorified unto utmost ends of the earth for oyur sis the Kigndom the Glor yan dthe power forveer YOu be glorified and dleiver us form all evill. guid eus let us her form oyu let us hear your voice and knwo the lvoe of Chirst. knwo the truht let us knwo you Lord oyou are the truth I want KNow YOu i need you. I neded you.i seeek OYu! LAmgiht ygOd destory the devil s works in my life nwoign and unknowign release em form all demonic imprisonments release m for and expose ever ylife ofrm the devil. release me form all satnic bondage and do the same for lal people. release me form the devils Lord Jeus Chirs tyou have all the powe rrelease thos ehwo ar ein satanic captivits i beg you. you heal all diease you healed them all OYu did itYOua re the same yestrday tod ay and forevr!! yoU BE GLORFIED FORVER AND EVER AND EVER lORD oyU PAID THE PRICE OFR MY FREEDOM YOUR PAID THE PRICE YBY YOUR STRIPES WE ARE HEALED i BELVIE HELP MY UNBELFIE HELP MY UNBELIF IHELP MY UNBELIF HEAL MEAHELP MY UNEBLFI AND HELA ME PELASE AND DESTROY THE DEVILS WORK IN OR LIVES DLEIVER US RELEAS EUS FORM ALL SATNIC CAPTIVITYI WIL REJOIC EIN MY SAVIOR ALLT HE DAY LOGN I HAVE A SAVIOR WE HAVE A SAVIOR NOTHIGN I NOTHIGN IS IMPOSSIBEL WITH OUR gOD THE loRD jEUS cHIRST IF THE TUE GOD AND ETERNL LIFE..!!! HELLO THAT IS BIG NEWS! oyU BE GLORIFIED YOUR BE EXALTED OYU ARE THE kiNG PLEASE SEND DEIVERANCE TO THOS EWHO AR IEN SATNIC CAPTIVITS FREE US FORM SATNIC CAPTIVITY LETY US WIRSHIPA ND PRAIS EOYU WIHT ALL ADORATION AND FREEDOM . yOU BE GLRIFIED ALWAYS oUR LORD OuR sAVIOR YOU ALL POWER YOU PAID THE PRICE FOR OUR ETERNALLIFE YOUR PAID THE PRICE yoU PAID THE PRICE FO RMY FREEDOM YOU PAID THE PRICE!!! THANKY OU!!!