Lewis Engle
Disciple of Prayer
I am 73 years old and I need a health prayer because I broke my hip and I am now limited to a walker and a power chair. I love Yeshua with all my heart but I need help with paying for repairs on my power chair. I need prayer to continue on with my teaching of the love of Jesus Christ, Yeshua. The evil one is trying to bring me down so fast and then a prayer to be able to stand and where the armor of God to defend myself. When I gave my life to Yeshua he told me that he loved me and will be with me through things. I've been in the battle with the evil one since it was 29 with two heart attacks 7th and congestive heart failures, a stroke, diabetes, I have pacemaker, I've had two strokes and I still have my memory. But the Bible says when two or more joined together he shall hear our call so that's where you come in you'll be all the more for the end of this scripture verse. I would rent one up $25 to 875 per month and I make $1,200 Plus and with the rent going up that cost my electricity and my internet to do my ministry and my cell phone it doesn't leave me much for food after medical bills are paid. I broke my hip in January due to the city bus not being able to perform it s handicap a deal not working properly in the driver told me to push my power chair up the ramp and in doing so I flew over the top of my power chair landed on my left side and shattered my joint ball. I had to go in and have it replaced then spent a month in rehab to learn how to walk with disability. The reason I'm telling you this is that I don't know if God will bless me if I take the bus people to court by getting an attorney. I'm not asking for anything extra I just want my medical bill paid and a new power chair because my power is damaged. My power chairs still gets me around but it is damaged in the motor and everything. I want to thank you in advance for all your prayers and if you know anyone that can help me financially proceed with my message of Jesus, Yeshua loves you all. May the high God touch you all from head to toe and protect you while you're in this world. Remember you're in this world but not of this world. And with all things going on in the world listen to Jesus as he whispers in your ear " me and my dad's got this all workout"