Beloved of All
I am 30 years old and my family is still obsessed with controlling me. They feel unhappy with their own lives that they feel the need to try to convince me that I live depressed (when I don't, I am happy but they get angry whenever they see me smile or having fun), or that I need them to but in into my life when all they do is bring drama, misunderstandings (because they lack what is needed to truly understands some stuff so they feel inferior and insecure when I don't even treat them like that at all. They are insecure and like to project that into me), they project their unhealed traumas and try to minimize every healed part of me. They try to convince everyone around me that I need them to survive when I don't. I just need them to respect my space, individuality, career, etc and stop treating me like I am an object of their belonging that they can control. Sure it's my mom and dad and siblings but that doesn't justify all the abuse done to me. I am a person, not an inexistent object they can mold as they wish whenever they wish.