Beloved of All
I actually don't know what I'm looking for. I need someone to answer this question for me though, I can remember as Young as I can maybe about 5 that I was subject to a lot of judgement in my life about how I looked about how I dressed I had a lot of rejection, I cared a lot about what other people thought of me and how I should show myself to everyone else instead of being myself. They say a child is innocent yes I do believe that but if you're subject to so many dark things as a child and you grew up as an adult thinking the same way was that child innocence ruined at a young age? Sometimes I think is hard for me to think a different way because I'm so worried about what everyone else will think of me now as an adult. I feel like I've been without God for a long time even as a child I prayed i Crave acceptance from anyone was love and respect me.So would God look at me different if I am envious of others? You see I never really had a childhood I was kind of forced to grow up a little more quicker than I hoped and try to stick to an image that was more tasteful and popular I was made fun of for my request would to be.... my way of thinking will never change but I Prayed by God that he gives me more willpower I have been set to think a certain way for so long I know I can't change that but if he can give me the willpower to at least try to be successful and not be so worrisome about failure and disappointment I will be forever grateful.