My husband was diagnosed with bi-polar two years ago and is getting worse. He has severe anxiety and takes tons of medications for the bi-polar. He is a great guy and lots of fun to be around when he is in a neutral state. However, with the extreme hi and low's of this disorder sometimes I do not even know who he really is. When he is low he often shuts himself away and stays in bed. His lows and highs can also cause him to get angry very easy and strike out with his mouth. There are times when he admits to feeling such rage that he would like to hurt people. However, when the anger and temper come out it is scary and I believe he has a unclean spirit of temper and anger ahold of him. He goes to church and has been saved but always makes excuses to why he is not growing in God. When he is in a high he will talk more about God and sometimes read the Bible but other times he does nothing to help himself spiritually. Sometimes he will say that he wants God's help with all this but his actions of doing nothing speaks louder than words. We've only been married four years and his health has went down the drain and he has had several surgeries. He is in the process of trying to get disability. He was turned down 3 times and we are hoping and praying it is approved this time because I need some help and he needs to feel like he has a purpose left in life also. However, during his time at home and away from the working world I think he could do more to help himself spiritually and to help with the home and our marriage. However, he appears to have taken on a lazy spirit and I don't know if its part of the depression and the bi-polar or what. It is just sad to see a man who has great potential and who can be fun to be around and good to everyone one minute or one day turn around and either shut everyone away or be so angry and mean acting that he drives people away. Please pray for his healing, deliverance and spiritual growth.