My husband is on ADHD meds and didn't do well with last adjustment. Drank alcohol (big no no) refuses to see dr. I called his dr because he threatened suicide. Now he has taken all his things and moved out to live with a friend until he can fly home to the Uk later this month. Our marriage has always struggled but things have been progressing so positively. This was out of the blue. He says he'll never forgive me for calling his dr. I emailed his family out of concern but when he finds out I'm fearful it will drive him further away. I am committed and do not believe in divorce. He will leave his job which will cripple is financially. Pray the Lord will show Himself mighty. Pray He will get ahold of my husband and not let go. Pray against satans armies that they will give up any claimed territory. Pray for wisdom and guidance and strength for me. Pray for me to have a Christlike spirit and seek restoration, not build resentment. Pray that the Lord will turn my husbands heart back to me. Pray His will be done. Pray above all, that no matter if my husband decides to leave me, that the seed of Gods love planted in his heart will bear the fruit of salvation. Pray for me to be obedient and suissive to Gods will no matter what. Pray for comfort and peace.