Disciple of Prayer
husband is always very harsh in his response, ready to be aggressive no matter the place or time, he keeps malice all the time sometimes for several weeks running into months, and he doesn't apologise no matter what even if the woman is wrong and worst of all he pulls off his wedding band and doesn't wear it anytime the malice starts, this time can be counted as the umpteenth time is doing this and the wife is tired, what advice can you provide. Please note that in the past the wife would always be the one to try to resolve the issues and once resolved he would act right for the first two weeks and then it's back to Statosco. They both have a lot they have built up together and even have a son together. the marriage is about 18 years old, and all suggestions for change and reconciliation have been tried but with no significant change as the same issues keep being repeated. No physical violence, except maybe struggles, but no punches I have nowhere to go and can't even explain how I feel. I know am not perfect and have my faults like I wouldn't say I like to cook, however, the consistent repetition of his negative actions especially pulling off his wedding band and not wearing it all the time is terrible. Is this God's plan for me in marriage, I have been praying even here...