Disciple of Prayer
My father-in-law died in November.
My mother-in-law died in February.
She had been hiding breast cancer for yearrrrrs.
She cut my husband out of the will.
His sister will be getting over $3million
The pain continues
Monday and Wednesday I was getting prank calls from the 14 yo son of a dear friend.
Wednesday I got a bad report on MY mammmogram. I was scared.
Speaking with from doctors, calls from doctors and my husband- the nonsense continued.
I acknowledged I knew who was calling and they hung up. 14 yo proceeds to call me begging me not to tell his mom- trying to get him off the phone I agreed. Hanging up, I start a text to tell my husband what a “dumbass” the boy has been all while trying to figure things out with my doctors advising me to stop my hormones until the biopsy result comes back, etc.... all right after losing my mother in law. Well, while trying to text my husband, I had accidentally opened one of the young boys texts and it went to him instead. He ran and told his mother and now his mom, my friend of over 20 yr is livid with my comments and refuses to speak to me or believe my side of the story. She’s taken on a “kids will be kids” approach, all knowing that he was doing it, claiming they mistook my name in his contacts for a classmate. Not true. Everyone uses last names in cell phone directories. This boy is very phone savvy, he’s even managed to get into my nieces phone and create a setting where he shared her location with him so he’d be able to track her every move. Stalking her, pranking her, having s sexual harassment complaint in his school file, I was prepared to have a conversation but mom would rather bury her head in the sand.
Sure. I was wrong. I apologized immediately via text and later via a detailed lengthy email. She defended her son, unable to recognize his role and said they need time to heal from all this pain I caused them bc I was like family!
I’ve been sick for days as I am so sickened by my unkindness. This isn’t me. And yesterday, my husband and I lost a dear, dear friend unexpectedly.
Too much hurt pain and stress.
How do I forgive myself when she can’t?
My mother-in-law died in February.
She had been hiding breast cancer for yearrrrrs.
She cut my husband out of the will.
His sister will be getting over $3million
The pain continues
Monday and Wednesday I was getting prank calls from the 14 yo son of a dear friend.
Wednesday I got a bad report on MY mammmogram. I was scared.
Speaking with from doctors, calls from doctors and my husband- the nonsense continued.
I acknowledged I knew who was calling and they hung up. 14 yo proceeds to call me begging me not to tell his mom- trying to get him off the phone I agreed. Hanging up, I start a text to tell my husband what a “dumbass” the boy has been all while trying to figure things out with my doctors advising me to stop my hormones until the biopsy result comes back, etc.... all right after losing my mother in law. Well, while trying to text my husband, I had accidentally opened one of the young boys texts and it went to him instead. He ran and told his mother and now his mom, my friend of over 20 yr is livid with my comments and refuses to speak to me or believe my side of the story. She’s taken on a “kids will be kids” approach, all knowing that he was doing it, claiming they mistook my name in his contacts for a classmate. Not true. Everyone uses last names in cell phone directories. This boy is very phone savvy, he’s even managed to get into my nieces phone and create a setting where he shared her location with him so he’d be able to track her every move. Stalking her, pranking her, having s sexual harassment complaint in his school file, I was prepared to have a conversation but mom would rather bury her head in the sand.
Sure. I was wrong. I apologized immediately via text and later via a detailed lengthy email. She defended her son, unable to recognize his role and said they need time to heal from all this pain I caused them bc I was like family!
I’ve been sick for days as I am so sickened by my unkindness. This isn’t me. And yesterday, my husband and I lost a dear, dear friend unexpectedly.
Too much hurt pain and stress.
How do I forgive myself when she can’t?