I am in the Military stationed overseas, two years ago my wife left me for another man while i was deployed. I offered forgiveness and a chance to reconcile our marriage, but she refused and moved in with the other man taking my children with her. She is a local national to the country i am stationed in, but the time to relocate is upon me. I am attempting to extend my assignment to this location so that i can be an active father in my two little girls lives, otherwise we would be an ocean apart for the remaining 5 years i have contractually left in service. If that were the case i may only be able to see them once or twice a year, and to children so young i would appear to them that i have abandoned them and when i saw them to them i would be a visitor. The opportunity to extend my stay in this country is there but it requires approval from many people as it would be an exception to policy and approvals are very rare. I ask for your prayers, to ask God to open the peoples hearts to my situation and see that it is a selfless act of a loving father who desperately desires to be in their life daily, if the decision makers can know it in their hearts i believe that they will approve my request.I know that ultimately the Lords Will will be done and what is best for my little girls will come to pass but i pray and ask for your prayers that that be here raising them by their sides and not from a remote place in the world only to see them once a year. Thank you for your prayers in advance.