Good and Faithful Servant
https://www.targetedjustice.com/uploads/1/1/6/3/116323993/tj-preliminaryinjunction-5feb2023.pdf This also goes along with all the v2k Cuban Syndrome videos I post. read the thing at least one if not more 0-whatever age they deem to get jollies off of monitoring and tormenting people and kids to the point that death is a relief and some do suicide themselves. if you read there is a three year old that's tormented. ask yourself is national security worth a baby or a three year old being tormented? They illegally place people innocent people on this Terrorist list that hasn't prevented one terrorist act. Plus it's created mass shootings if your a victim of mass shootings or know of any victims it's not mental illness. Don't fall for that false narrative. So please pray for these people to win in court over these evil criminals. These are Evil sociopaths who if have kids don't deserve them. Shall the thrown of iniquity have fellowship with thee that frameth mischief by a law? They gather together against the soul of the righteous and condemn the innocent blood. But the Lord is my defense and my rock of my refuge. He shall bring upon them their own iniquity and cut them off yeah the lord our God shall cut them off. Psalms 94 KJV or the last bit of it. Targeted individuals are not criminals like you may have heard. We've done nothing to deserve this treatment. But they call us baby rapers terrorists but they are the baby rapers and terrorists. Pleas pray for these people and myself to win this part of litigation against these devil worshipers. AMEN and AMEN.