just began to briefly read this very informative piece. I do hope that it speaks to you as it has to me. Please remember that you are a new creature, the old man has past away. What God has cleaned is clean indeed. I know this may be difficult, especially for those that live with white supremecists, communists, or other radical extremists. You don't have to listen to the whisperings of the devil and his minions. God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of peace, love and a sound mind. We must all work out our own salvation with a fear and trembling...Thank you to the House of David Ministries, Inc, for this prepared statement. Each clergyperson has their own take on the translations. I would pray that you would be stilll even if it is for just 5 minutes before you start your day and seek your higher power. As I am also fond of saying-please keep your eyes on the real words of the Almighty-One God, many paths and why is that-or there wouldn't be so many people walking the face of the earth. Please find a good universal or whole bible teaching church. Watch your world open up like it did for St. Thomas, when he conversed with the Christus. If your church doesn't teach you about all of the apostles, then its time to keep searching. We don't want to relive our blasphmous past, thats one reason why the bible was first translated. Not for greed or the money hungry bastards that wear the frock of the wolf.