When we look at the other religions, and what they feel need to do to "try to get into Gods graces",it's usually the same pattern of WORKS. Like, they probably sense they're sinners and need something, but their whole road of getting there is different than ours.Some of the radical branches of Islam teach that you have to kill x amount of "infidels" for "allah" to let you into Heaven.Some of the Hindus believe in self-mutilation, almost like using themselves for the sacrifice, to gain favor with God.People who believe in reincarnation state that if we're not "good enough" after the first life, you have to "come back" over and over again,until you're "perfected".But notice a similar pattern, one, they're based on, man doing certain "things" can get him /her accepted by God {probably based on pride, they feel they can be "made good enough" by their own works }and 2, they all have one thing in common,none of them CAN get you into Heaven.But we know what can. We don't have to torture ourselves, kill others, etc.Let's pray that they come to know this too.