Spending time with the precious Holy Spirit is the most precious time of all! It shouldn't be just for 30 min or 1hr but from the moment you wake up till the moment you lay your head. Ask the Holy Spirit to study God's word and to teach you, after all He's the author! Listen to God's voice and obey Him! Victory Comes from God and Him alone. How do you build a healthy relationship? By 2 people doing 50/50 not 50/70 or 0/100. Same with The Holy Spirit, He gives you 50 and you give Him 50 for a 100% relationship. "I was actually talking to the Holy Spirit about the relationship 50/50 and it's amazing how God is so good!, not allowing me to do all the work or Him But we work together through everything and in everything. How to live victorious each day? Is a question that you should know the answer too
God bless you and remember He loves you with He's everlasting love!