Humble Servant of All
please continue to pray for the Hampton home please pray for more home and the union of the more Hampton Union to be a victory in Jesus in a near future pray for Lord to heal both families of anger hostility bitterness constant bickering constant stress and anxiety pray for JH the JH will realize that God is still on the throne pray for Becky mom to take care of her girl issue and then doctor shepherd pray for Dr Shepherd to continually have peace of mind and though Dr Shepard is making excellent salary that she needs to lay down with the Lord and talk to him pray to others pray for her and that the Lord will show her how much of a witness she can be in Jesus Christ pray for Lord to show others who don't have as much that the Lord will provide pray for Mr Aida he will transfer some funds to JH to an account to the grace of God to help her dad and take care of some things that are needed in Jesus name I pray for Lord to take care of things and Jesus name to not allow any but performed against JH account pray for Lord to take care of the food issue take care of the electrical issue take care of the water tank issue please pray for Lord to send the right person above age that that will be a burden lifted off of his mind in Jesus name pray for his urology issue that it will be solved if some surgery is needed that the Lord already has the proper surgeon under the blood of the Lamb and the baptism of the Holy Ghost please pray the Lord will make a way for me to get medical help that her form will be sent to the right office and that it will be okay brave the Lord to allow her supplement program to be returned and everything's okay in Jesus name pray that the Lord will take care of revision issues for Becky mom vision issues for G that they will both be taking care of in Jesus name please pray to the Lord to take care of any heart issues any stress issues on her heart are under the blood of the Lamb there's no hole in the heart there's no cholesterol there's no backing of the arteries in Jesus name pray for JH today H will have a future loving husband and Christ Jesus to be more happier times at the Hampton home please prayers the Lord are not allowed anywhere performed against day ages future husband that he will be a man of God a leader and Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah thank you all for your prayers thank you all for your support you know if we support each other we won't fall we need to destroy the liar we need to resurrect our country pray for the Lord to just resurrect our country and make the new leader the new leader a man who can seek Jesus first in all things maybe not where we can see but that it can be shown that the Lord will make that candidate come out in Jesus name and to cut declare Jesus Christ as the Savior pray for Mr b and pray for Mr s pray that the Lord will get them both on their knees pray that Mr b goes all the way to the top to their grace of God created the Lord will not allow the liar to divide our country and families please pray for the virus that it will be destroyed in a near future and pray that those that get ill any of us that there's some way in which we can all survive in Jesus name pray for our parents grandparents that they will not be susceptible to this disease that they will get well and strong and be protected from it in Jesus name pray for our babies in our future babies that they will not be subjected to this and if they are subjected they will get through and that be a cure or there will be a way a stopping this disease and Jesus name pray for those who are in need mrs and that the Lord will prepare her and show her how to lean on him and be good pray for Romans 8 to wait for her today tomorrow this week coming for G also pray for G to build a mate order some things and then it will be okay in Jesus Christ pray for grocery shopping that Bob hual initial a little bit that the Lord provide that he will show him today that it's okay get those few things and that the Lord will provide pray that the Lord will take care of transportation issues trade pray for G to get herself DE classes that JH will get a different class to help JH restore her license for the same for Becky mom that the Lord will get Becky mom back on the wheel do the grace of God pray for safety Psalm 91 pray for Hebrews 11 John 14 I pray that he will live those passages pray for Ross more today that the anointing of the Holy Ghost would be over him and the love of God will raise his heart and make him aware who Christ is please pray for Lord to show him that Christ is the only answer that is love for G is still solid in Jesus Christ his heart is for G and only as the woman that the Lord brought to him in Jesus name pray to all those temptations that come from every side to be destroyed but the blood of the Lamb prayer of the Lord to contact G for him to contact him in a loving way and appreciate the things that come that way in Jesus name pray for uncle Charles when he's doing better that he gets stronger pray for Charles and Cleveland that the Lord will restore his years the locus have tried to destroy his body mine is so in Jesus Christ pray for RJ he's not mad at Bob H and family that we will all get together again in a near future pray for Martha Ted her healing of her brain give her a son that he's well pray for Junior to his son with the sickle cell will be under the blood of Jesus he will get stronger and better in Jesus name pray for Ms Bridget and family that the Lord will restore their sadness and sorrow and misery pray for the anointing on them in Jesus name