I had a burden for all of them, like fans coming out of nowhere, they show up and tells you things that only Jesus knows what is going on in their life. Some are lonely living in a remote area, while others are living in a crowded city where no one cares or speaks to them. Some a wealthy, some are poor and but most of them are living so far away from the Lord. That is the burden Jesus has put in my heart. To pray for them and help them find true life with meaning while walking on the road that leads to heaven.
One night in the Net,
I was looking for something special.
I found a chat room
There people I knew not.
I found them so interesting.
No one spoke to them
At home they were busy.
At work, they were working hard.
In the street so alone.
They need someone to talk to.
Although they became a friend.
O had a burden for her soul.
Where is she going to spend eternity?
What is going to happen to her?
They are so many with lots of needs.
Someone must show them the way.
Jesus, the Way the Truth and the Life.
Then I thought, we may have never met in person, but our bond as internet friends is just as strong a ever. I must share the the Lord with them. I must tell them the truth about our existence on earth. Pleasures and love of money will pass away, but those who trust the Lord shall live forever.
Praise my soul the King of heave.... save all my friends on line, I said to the Lord. He is doing just that right now.
One night in the Net,
I was looking for something special.
I found a chat room
There people I knew not.
I found them so interesting.
No one spoke to them
At home they were busy.
At work, they were working hard.
In the street so alone.
They need someone to talk to.
Although they became a friend.
O had a burden for her soul.
Where is she going to spend eternity?
What is going to happen to her?
They are so many with lots of needs.
Someone must show them the way.
Jesus, the Way the Truth and the Life.
Then I thought, we may have never met in person, but our bond as internet friends is just as strong a ever. I must share the the Lord with them. I must tell them the truth about our existence on earth. Pleasures and love of money will pass away, but those who trust the Lord shall live forever.
Praise my soul the King of heave.... save all my friends on line, I said to the Lord. He is doing just that right now.