The prophet is a watchman over Israel for my God, yet traps are laid for him wherever he goes. He faces hostility even in the house of God. (Hosea 9:8)
The prophet is a watchman over Israel for my God, yet traps are laid for him wherever he goes. He faces hostility even in the house of God. (Hosea 9:8)
No one is going to hurt you when you share Jesus. Just like the prophets of old, God will be your protection and help in time of need. Trust His word. I am with you always. Even to the end of the earth.
May my heart be the temple of Thy Spirit, may all who hear Jesus words speaking through me, be saved. Any hostility and animosity will depart from us when we share Your word. Amen
Hi, I experienced a hostile work environment where the bullies got promoted. It’s not fair. Seems like those who work hard and don’t bother anyone get mistreated. Will there ever be justice? Standing up to them only makes them retaliate to the point of losing one’s job. In the name of Jesus...
To The Cities That Have Ears To Hear:
Before I publish the next prophecy, the Holy Spirit has prompted me to relay this Word, as first spoken by Christ.
Matthew 5:46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that...