Humble Prayer Warrior
Holy spirit please present this to God hide me my family that's a good thing innocents from the secret counsel of the wicked those who are following me and us not a good thing get blocked lost turned back to confusion loose verse Psalm 64:2 Hide myself my family that's a good thing innocents from the secret counsel of the wicked now loose verse I qunech every torch the enemy would use against my life
my family that's a good thing innocents animals and my life
in the
name of Jesus Zech 12:6 forever
all the way from the spiritual to the physical Hebrews 12:12 No more taking our mind and our knees let them real what they sow Karma forever they keep there weird demons forever Psalm 79:12 you pray it you keep it u wish it u keep it u conjur it speak it witchcraft it u keep it not me my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals protection on us loose verse I bind and cast out familiar spirits that would try to operate in my life
my family that's a good thing innocents animals in the name of Jesus Isa 8:19 loose verse I bind and rebuke any demon that would try to block my way my family that's a good thing innocents animals in the name of Jesus Matt 8:28 forever
DNA based period permanently now.Loose verse 
I bind and rebuke Molech and any spirit that has been assigned to abort my destiny my family that's a good thing innocents animals forever Lev 18:21 Forever
.loose verse let every hidden snare for my feet
my family that's a good thing innocents animals be exposed in the name of Jesus Jer 18:22loose verse I bind and rebuke any bewitchment that would keep me my family that's a good thing innocents animals from obeying the truth Gal 3:1 forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse Deliver me my family that's a good thing innocents animals out of the hand
of wicked and unreasonable men 2 These 3:2 Forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse I break down every wall
of Jericho my life
family that's a good thing innocents animals Josh 6:5 forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse I cut the cords of the wicked from my life
my family that's a good thing innocents animals lives Psalm 129:4 DNA
based period permanently now. Loose verse I bind and rebuke all hindering spirits of Satan in the name of Jesus 1 These 2:18 forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse let the confidence of the enemy be rooted out Job 18:14 Forever
DNA based period permanently now. If it's not a good thing remove any followers from me my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse Let all thorns be burned out of my life my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals in the name of Jesus Isa 10:17 Forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse Let every Pharoah that would pursue my life
my family that's a good thing innocents animals be drowned in the sea
Exod 15:4 forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse I bind and cast out any creeping spirit that would attempt to creep into my life my kids family that's a good thing innocents animals Ezek 8:10 forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse now release the arrow 
of the Lord's deliverance in my life
my family that's a good thing innocents animals 2 Kings 13 17 Forever now Forever now Forever do not get back up if your not a good thing do not remember my name
my kids names My halo
works great stay away do not remember my family that's a good thing innocents animals forever
DNA based period permanently now. Let my arrows fly 
I'm protected my kids protected my family that's a good thing innocents animals forever
DNA based period permanently now. Loose verse I release your Sharp arrows into the heart 
of the Kings enemies Psalm 45 5 forever
DNA based period permanently now do not get back
nothing speaks through talks to us puts pictures in our head puts porno in our head touched us the weird spirit spouses loose there teeth minds spines and the weird monitoring spirits loose there power forever
evil doesn't ever win period permanently then they loose there power teeth minds spines not a good thing that's after me my myself family my kids Mother Sharon Boyd and family that's a good thing innocents animals in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen

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