Prayer Warrior
I Prophecy as Joanna Leigh Fairres with not one person by my side and no shower
only extreme hateful tormenting jealous people blockers that need to dealt with that are way to wicked to be alive decree declare into existence I command demand put a press on my anoiting to take hold of the ends of the Earth
the wicked
out of it JOB 38:12 X3
fold passage hit
SiGNATURES based I will my kids my family that is a good thing innocents have dominion over the devil Narrator and corndogssssszzzzzz 

in the morning 
X3 Psalm 49:14100
fold passage hit
SiGNATURES based LORD, make the outgoings of the morning 
to rejoice passage
hit X3
fold Psalm 65:8 I prophecy decree declare everyone can breathe near me my kids family that is a good
innocents forever
let all wicked
people have no ones JOY of the LORD to hold none of my POWER let everyone get out of my air I breathe I'm not your telephone 
line. I my kids family that is a good thing innocents recieve YOUR loving kindness every morning 
Psalm 110:3
fold passage hit
X3 Let your LIGHT 

forth in my life
my kids family that is a good thing innocents as the morning 
Psalm 58:8
ISA 28:19 X3 100
fold Passage
hit as hard needed NOW anyone from my past doesn't come back that was jealous of me If Pam prayed with the spirit of KORA to hurt
my life kids family that is a good thing innocents keep your prayers Psalm 79 12
fold Wear your prayers from my past my kids past Mexican husband's God tried to give me didn't make it who blocked themShaleen Wolfinger Kyle Jessica Kyle Sara James Jake David Trimble and 50 coven Albert Salcedo Rick Maria Salcedo Luis Torres Joel Magdeleno Maria Magdaleno Larry Brand Deanna Brand Rebecca Myers Anthony Ferguson teeth his followers and family Richard Boyd Sharon Boyd Gwen Braden Kelly Couldron Shylo Tori Joshua Nixon his mother cohorts Tina Jo Calzado and cohorts Gio Freeman Kayleena Freeman Christina Creller and cohorts Daniel Cervantes Janelle Cervantes today is the passage
Psalm 79:12
fold for all Narrator byeeeeeee and corndogssssszzzzzz
fold I my kids family that is a good thing innocents will not be afraid 
of the arrow 

that flies by day or the terror that comes at 
NIGHT Psalm 91:5 X3 100
fold passage HIT
let the truth come out today please remove all lies now drama everyone off of my marriage air happiness dreams come true air hearts desires let no one speak through me pretending to be anyone my throat isn't your Domain my chakra isn't your Domain I have no husband I would like to have a husband though that is a good thing I believe and know GOD wanted dreams to come true with Myles Hass was supposed to make it he can with my prayers connected to my DNA
SiGNATURES based DNA text me call
me see me if he ever wants to his family Enrique and easily breathe near me my kids family that is a good thing then Hass can hold me without having extreme ancestor debt extreme tormenting demons on us period permanently. Also reveal if Enrique had a dream and Hass does t want his position God gave him then bring this to the LIGHT 

I had twins by him if so winning I recieve a Mexican Husband that's a heart desire if Hass still wants that position which was his he can have it or Enrique can have it even without the dream clear the air on that. Also I release the arrow 

of the LORD'S deliverance in my life my kids family that is a good thing innocents my Mexican husband's that never made it are under my prayers family that Is a good thing Not Albert Salcedo not Luis Torres not Joel Magdeleno Hector Maya and cohorts no one who is wicked gets that position ever or covered in FAVOR of the LORD or people from my past Genaro has his strength arm of the Lord strength Hass does Enrique anyone who works out that was called near me and is Mexican God
heart was for them to make it with me and be Dad to my kids directly. Family that's a good thing can covered BOAZ's and innocent
is either kids or just people that do not even know God or what's going on in the world
2 Kings 13 17 hit
passage X3 I release YOUR SHARP

into the 

heart of the Kings enemies X3 Psalm 45 5 Hit
passage Ordain and release YOUR arrows
against myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents our persecutors
passage X3 Psalm 7:13 Send out YOUR arrows,and scatter the enemy hit
passage X3 Psalm 18:14 100
fold Make myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents turn their back
with YOUR arrows
upon YOUR strings X3 Psalm 21 12
fold hit
passage Shoot out YOUR arrows
and destroy them Psalm 144:6
Send YOUR arrows 

fold hit
passage Send out arrows

fold Send out arrows 

fold passage
hit of light LIGHT 
into the KINGDOM of darkness Hab 3 11
fold Heap and mischief upon them, and spend YOUR arrows 
X3 upon them Deut 32 23 X3
fold hit
passage Shoot YOUR arrows 

fold upon them, and let them be wounded suddenly Psalm 64 7 X3
fold passage
hit passage Let your arrow
fold go Forth as lightening against the enemy Zech 9 14
fold if I get a husband that hasn't had a child
I get BOAZ's help for Doctor help to make the clamps
from New Zealand is off
I'm not sure how much it costs I had it done in New Zealand to block Morgan Dynes from getting pregnant again it can done through my belly button with no scars or maybe
ultrasound to see if there even there anymore because Devil
James kept aiming to kill my clamps and get me pregnant and really good with his knives also my friend in Arkansas had the same thing done with clamps she got pregnant anyways they fall off I think
after time or something not sure either way my tubes are healthy and that's fixed plus it's not man made not a good thing to have clamps on my fallopian tubes maybe insurance will pay for it in New Zealand to as well or USA open doors that is taken care of. Let today be a great day no one has my power upon power and no one has anxiety when there near me or Pani attacks when there near me and everyone has our movements returned and BOAZ comes I need a car that runs doesn't have to be expensive 509 dollar
car with keys so I do my laundry so I'm not on my feet all the time BOAZ comes that can finish the bankruptcy for the SUV I would like a home with a shower today even if a rent a room somewhere peaceful without drama somewhere really private so no one has to deal with the warfare as its leaving it's not fun
. Let the doors open I can spend Thanksgiving with someone hearts desires my kids my mom only if it's a good thing bring out the truth about Sharon Boyd definitely know Richard Boyd is a weird blocker remove all evil people spirits they use in the heavens today from my prayers and Prophecied words from being answered for myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents Dan 10 12-13 hit
passage X3
fold Shield
is up Eph 6:16 hit
passage Psalm 79 12 hit
is up hit
fold Luke 2 52 Hit
passage X3 Highly Favored Shield
is up Deut 28 13 TAILED Tail X3
fold for the Narrator byeeeeeee and corndogssssszzzzzz
then hit
passage X3 100
fold using an evil wall
blocking prayers I bind and rebuke every spirit of Sanballat and Tobiah in the name
of Jesus Neh 61-6
fold hit
passage X3 Hide me my kids family that is a good thing innocents from the secret counsel of the wicked 
BLACK MAGIC shields down 
DOWN absolutely NO GRACE 
no ROCKS can be used by Paula's the ring there weird family Psalm 64:2 X3
fold passage
Rob who looks I heard Jesus Christ now with his beard can keep my flower pen and I get a new pen today given from a BOAZ since I need funds to make it still Tina's friend isn't a hearts desire she had a bad dream he didn't do anything right got me and the kids killed through pictures instead he is well his brothers are well they are in a family that is a good thing hidden take care of our enemies that would greatly appreciated he can just smoke his flower and heal as a retired vet please thank you Psalm 64:2 X3
fold hit
passage my family and I my kids are indica dominant that's it that's all in 100
fold passage hit
let my arrows
hit that don't miss I move my car somewhere today and do my laundry make up done in 5 minutes eyelashes on movements back eyeliner with wing done art
done easily just a great day I get help with a make over chin done body done tattoos redone because of evil people who did them with me to steal my energy DNA
SiGNATURES plus it will help being denied everywhere I went and marriages failing I will feel better about myself and it will bring people back
that love me don't pray for me to die etc that would be really nice not to be alone everywhere I go but send that back to sender off
of me my kids family that is a good thing innocents in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen