Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree declare demand command into existence JOSHUA 6 5 Jericho walls down flattened let the secret agents of Satan be hit
the wall
instead there name JERICHO. Then let passage Psalm 5 12 hit
is up Favor of the LORD
protection. Then let passage hit
Luke 2 52 Highly favored
Shield is up again protection. Then let the passage hit
Deut 28 13 TAILED never again will I my kids family that is a good thing innocents be the TAIL the secret agents of Satan parrot
secretly listening
be named TAIL. Then let passage hit
2 Chronicles 20 23 DNA
SiGNATURES based Loose confusion and let them attack each other while we escape safely in the name
of JESUS. PSALM 79:12 passage hit
PRAYERS so my myself my family that is a good thing innocents are in safety
just so we can see
who to not
be around or trust. Then let passage hit
Deut 8:18 ABRAHAM COVENANT SEED is with myself my family that is a good thing innocents the secret AGENTS of SATAN are EGYPT no redeemed from any curse of the law they are the CURSED
while my family and I escape safely. Then let passage hit
DEUT 28 6 myself and my family that is a good thing are blessed coming in and going out not
the SECRET AGENTS of SATAN they are not blessed anywhere they go they are the
TALK of the TOWN. Then I'm hidden my kids family that is a good thing innocents From the followers they cannot hear my prayers to protect myself my family that is a good thing innocents thoughts see us find us follow us I get a safe place to live where no one knows my business I get help From BOAZ the people they figure out how to pray easily with verses take classes do your homework they learn there word they easily move forward
in there own way to protect themselves and stop
following me so I'm not the TALK
of the TOWN as it is a GAME
to kill me my kids family that is a good thing innocents so it doesn't work ever again there tools break
there weird spirit guides fail. The secret Freemason curse stays with the senders to kill people eat there souls. The prayers to kill souls make me 3 my family that is a good thing innocents butter
name stays with the senders as well. Every secret agents prayers to kill me my kids family that is a good thing innocents is back with who sent
it Kayleena Freeman Shaleen Wolfinger Freeman Rebecca Ferguson Anthony Ferguson teeth Albert Salcedo Rick Salcedo Maria Salcedo Luis Torres Joel Magdeleno Maria Magdaleno Hector Maya followers David Trimble and 50 coven Sara James Jake Moore Whitaker Jessica religious weirdo Kyle anyone else weird tormenting energy keeps there witchcraft they pray Forever
bind all passages to me my kids family that is a good thing innocents BOAZ's to make it in my life according to YAHWEH will right
now FAST
in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen