Beloved of All
Holy spirit help please remove all lies, confusion, other women L is hiding from me, malice, strife, no more me repeating myself, he feels better while he is working on my Mom's car, we get along he is grateful for Mom and me,All witchcraft selfish wicked prayers, Jealousy, fiery darts, wrong patterns of thinking, bad influences, entanglements, ungodly unions soul ties, Jezebel spirit, lust exs, evil doers I don't get jealous anymore i don't care what he does or where he goes anymore, I don't accuse of him of cheating, I don't fight with him or get, angry, we get along great and we both have peace and joy when we're around each other for now on. L gives his life back to God he what and is going to the church God has planned for him. He knows I'm of God now and Is grateful for all the prayers I have been doing at the beginning until now and Is amazed at the God in me all veils, scales, chains are removed from him now. Right now according to God's will 100 fold into exsistence 100 fold all the way from the spiritual into the physical